Hey girls, how has the month of July been for you? We have been having great fun creating Biblical content and sharing it with you through our blog week after week. Thank you so much for your replies to our mails. It’s such a joy to hear from you.

We love to do what we do

And this time we thought of creating some inspirational wallpapers exclusively for you as a token of our love.

And hey what’s better than celebrating the reason for our togetherness ,i.e. our Dear Jesus and to have His Word and affirmations on our mobile screens.

So here we go…

#Giveaway,#Free HD phone wallapapers,#Token of Love,#Soar

We are sure you are going to love them as much as we do.

And don’t forget to share these with your friends and family members, who are as crazy Jesus lovers as we are.


Team Soargirls

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