Our Blog
Finding True Peace, Where There Seems to be None
Recently, I have been meditating on the Book of Revelations when I came across these verses. This made me think about a world without peace, so much so that people would want to kill each other. The thought itself was saddening.
FREE HD Phone Wallpapers – Giveaway for the Month!!!
Giveaway for the month!!This time we thought of creating some inspirational wallpapers exclusively for you as a token of our love.
Where is God when it hurts?
What the Egyptian girl Hagar went through is indeed disheartening. In the eyes of the world, she always was and will be the ‘extra’ woman in Abram and Sarai’s life.
Addiction To Romantic Books & Movies? Here’s What You Need to Know
My prayer is to conquer my addiction for reading romantic novels and watching romantic movies. Because I find myself spending more time and attention with it, I spend less in doing house chores, my devotional time with God, and I had forgotten doing my studies
Bring Those Walls Down
This reminded me of Nehemiah in the Bible. He was a cup bearer to the King Artaxerxes before he chose to follow God’s leading. He left all the comforts of the palace and decided to go to Jerusalem, a desolate place to rebuild the walls.
Coloring Pages For You – FREE Printables!
We created little whitespace for you, so you can fill in some beautiful colours. What better way than to combine your creative time with positive affirmations from the Word of God!
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Soar Girls Take Off
Monthly Zoom Meets | Hosted by Author Kim Dsouza
SG Take Off is a place of your healing & freedom – from being a victim to a victor, from being a worrier to a warrior. We meet once every month at 6:30 AM (IST).
Soar Girls Podcast

About Soar Girls
The vision of Soar Girls is to raise a generation of girls who soar in Christ. We want to mentor girls and help them to rise above the usual worldly conventions and live a life of overflow in Christ. Read more about it here. Articles on SG blog are packed with heart-focused content and provide practical solutions for real-life issues based on God’s Word. And oh yes, we are a part of Pursue Him International.

Who We Are
We are a group of girls, who have been set free by Jesus and we want to carry you along with us in this journey of life. We believe together in one mind through Christ we can change the world when we hold each other up. And so, we are here to build, encourage, edify , talk about our identity, purpose , calling, relationships, friendships, and everything under the sun that concerns you. So, tag along!

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Follow us here: Instagram.com/soar.girls
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