Our Blog
My God is Not a Dream Killer!
If God showed you a dream, He is mighty to fulfill it!
But God!
Recently I was meditating on the Book of Ephesians when I came across this verse, Ephesians 2:4 (NLT) ...we were subject to God's anger, BUT GOD is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much..... As I was reading, these words "BUT GOD" just stood out of my Bible. Then...
My Testimony of Supernatural Pregnancy & Child Birth!
Hello readers, don't miss reading this beautiful testimony of supernatural pregnancy and childbirth as shared our dear friend Sasha Singh from Bengaluru. Let this encourage you to believe what the Word of God says: With Him all things are possible! My journey of...
6 Keys to Break the Temptation Trap (II)
This post is the continuation and the conclusion of our previous post on temptation. See Help!I am Getting Tempted to read the first part. 3. Guard your senses The Bible says: Guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life and the easiest way to guard your...
Help, I Am Getting Tempted! (Part 1)
Temptation, simply put, is a desire birthed in your flesh that is in direct conflict with God's standards and can take you off course from the plan of God for your life. We live in a fallen world and so none of us is temptation-proof. But the problem starts when we...
Free 9 Day Pregnancy Devotional on YouVersion + A Beautiful Testimony!
Here’s some good news! Youversion, the world’s most popular Bible App, now has a 9 Day Bible Reading plan based on my book, “It’s Your Turn For A Beautiful Pregnancy”. It is the only reading plan on pregnancy currently available on the App. Since the plan was...
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Soar Girls Take Off
Monthly Zoom Meets | Hosted by Author Kim Dsouza
SG Take Off is a place of your healing & freedom – from being a victim to a victor, from being a worrier to a warrior. We meet once every month at 6:30 AM (IST).
Soar Girls Podcast

About Soar Girls
The vision of Soar Girls is to raise a generation of girls who soar in Christ. We want to mentor girls and help them to rise above the usual worldly conventions and live a life of overflow in Christ. Read more about it here. Articles on SG blog are packed with heart-focused content and provide practical solutions for real-life issues based on God’s Word. And oh yes, we are a part of Pursue Him International.

Who We Are
We are a group of girls, who have been set free by Jesus and we want to carry you along with us in this journey of life. We believe together in one mind through Christ we can change the world when we hold each other up. And so, we are here to build, encourage, edify , talk about our identity, purpose , calling, relationships, friendships, and everything under the sun that concerns you. So, tag along!

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