SOAR Girls take off!


Monthly zoom meetS

hosted by author & jesus lover kim d’souza

Is ‘Soar Girls Take Off’ for Me?

Confused, hurt, sick and tired of living a defeated life? Know what you are destined for and yet struggling? Want to learn how to use your gifts to influence the world for Jesus? Hungry to know Jesus more? Well, then Soar Girls Take off is for you!

Soar Girls Take Off are personal mentoring sessions for young girls hosted by Kim Dsouza with a motive to raise destinies and uncover hidden greatness!

This is a place of your healing (physical and emotional)  and freedom – from being a victim to a victor, from being a worrier to a warrior. The Father’s love will rid you off your fears, insecurities and lies that are holding you back, so that not only you will be able to take off, but also soar high. And the runway is going to be God’s Word

Come, let’s take off!

Whatsapp us on (+91) 74004 08860 or email us at [email protected] to get the Zoom invites!


  • Girls, You will grow spiritually
  • You will reap the power of being a part of a Jesus loving girls community
  • You can become a friend to someone who needs one.
  • Its virtual, at the convenience of your home.
  • Engaging & simple to understand sessions.


  • Jesus Lover
  • Wife and Mother
  • Mentor
  • Author
  • Digital media enthusiast
  • My Call: Raising Destines

ALERT: SG Take Off

SG Take Offs are held every 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month at 6:30 AM IST. (Convert Your Timezone Here).

To know about our next Take off Meet, ping us on (+91) 74004 08860