Dare to be Different

Dare to be Different

Dare to be different,Walk in light,Read the Word,Friends of the world.

It was a Wednesday afternoon when I received the Office Party invite.

“Thank you for all the efforts you put in, allow us to celebrate you. Let your hair down and hit the dance floor.

You are invited to a ROCKING PARTY on Friday night… Food and drinks on the house!!!”

Everyone in the team was looking forward to having some “Cool Time” off work at the Disco Lounge. As I expressed my discomfort about the venue my colleague advised I had to learn to be like others, be accepted in the management circle and these occasions could give me a chance to get in their good books. I denying to go to the party could be perceived as haughtiness by the management.

The Spirit within me kept nudging me not to, but I didn’t have a choice. My colleague was right! It was a new team I was leading and we had achieved all targets. I couldn’t possibly miss the celebration, they wanted to facilitate “ME!!” Of course God would understand, it was important for my growth in the company.

But Daniel resolved not to…

That day, during my Bible reading time was led to read the Book of Daniel:

Dan 1:8 But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine.

Daniel RESOLVED not to DEFILE himself. But, with what was he going to be defiled? Sorry, did I read it right?

It wasn’t the undignified, dishonourable, common things that Daniel decided not to defile himself with… He decided not to defile himself with the ROYAL FOOD AND KING’S WINE!

Was imagining myself at the Buckingham palace, at the Queen’s table. Who in their wildest thoughts would think the food offered in a royal silver plate is spoilt, polluted, unclean or contaminated? I would rather brag about the fact that “I ate from the Queen’s table!”

What on earth was Daniel thinking? Such a thought to even cross one’s mind, in the world would be termed as “arrogant narcissist”…

But that’s exactly what made Daniel different, for he had eyes to see beyond the flesh, ears to hear the supernatural and the wisdom to honour the true throne.

Let your light shine

Many a times we place the kings of this world above God, His Word, and His Spirit.

Ex: Maintain the company of a friend even while the Spirit is nudging not to, be engaged in the wrong conversations with the opposite sex, or even go to the party only to please the boss even while it is a disco lounge.

I was convicted and I decided otherwise about the party. I chose to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and not grieve Him. And you know what! No one took offence to my decision, in fact I found favour and respect in the eyes of my bosses for having a mind of my own and not being a fake people pleaser.

We need to let our light shine before others. God has chosen you and I out of the world to show His glory in us. We are to remind ourselves that we are in this world, but not of this world. We can’t afford to live like unbelievers, but walk like Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Our holiness comes from Christ.

For in him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28)

Set God above all others.

Ruta Miller
Team Soar Girls

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