February 28, 2018

Struggling? Come Walk With Me, Says Jesus

By Kim D’souza

    By Pastor Kim D’souza

Struggling with addictions? Weaknesses? Fighting wrong thoughts? Doing something that you know is wrong but you can’t seem to win over it?

I hear Jesus singing over you, “Come, walk with me.”

That’s all you and I got to do.

Don’t try to be good or perfect in order to reach Him. Instead go to Jesus just the way you are, and start spending time with Him.

In the book of Acts 4:13 we read, When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

The best walk in life – Walk with Jesus!

Peter and John were ordinary, undignified and smelly fishermen. Until one day they decided to drop their nets and walk with Jesus – spend time with Him, listen to Him, ask Him questions. It is in this process of being with Jesus, that their likeness changed! So much so that the world around them were astonished!

That’s exactly what you got to do right now. Start spending time with Jesus and His Word and as you do that, you will not have to strive to see a change in yourself, but His light in your life will cause all your addictions and struggles to fade.

I love this testimony of my husband – there was a time when Derrick was struggling with the addiction of smoking. There was a desire in him to change but no matter how hard he tried, he could not let it go. So he started spending more and more time with Jesus (sometimes even with a cigarette in hand!) And as he did that, the word of God became like fire in his bones, and one day his bondage broke, and he could no longer smoke again!

Wow, that’s the power of being in the company of Jesus.

“Come, walk with me,” Jesus is calling out to you. Would you hearken to His voice today?

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