Friends that you need in life

In your friends circle, I am sure you will find different kinds of friends.

There would be a friend who will know all your weaknesses and secrets.

There would be a friend who will have similar hobbies and likes like yours.

Then there are office friends, college friends and school friends.

But there is one kind of friend that you cannot afford to miss. “I got a word for you” friend. Because this kind of friend will come to you at a time when you have a need (and probably nobody knows), and say, ” I got a word for you”.

Cherish this friend!

Because this is a friend who is praying for you, and talking to God about you. She will bring a Word from the Lord for you, which will be able to sustain you in the season you are going through.

In the Old testament we read about Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were always together in standing for the Lord in every challenge that they faced. When the king of Babylon had a dream and no one could interpret, he issued a decree to put all the wise men to death. When Daniel comes to know about this, he returns to his house and explains the matter to his friends. He urges them to pray for it and during the night the mystery gets revealed to Daniel in a vision. (Daniel 2:17-19).

After Daniel interprets the dream for the king and he is bestowed with honour and royal goodies, he gives the king a recommendation to make his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in charge of all the affairs of the province of Babylon.(Daniel 2:49)

This is such a beautiful example of godly friendships.

A friend who runs behind Jesus

I am not talking about someone who fakes religion, but who genuinely loves Jesus and is walking with Him, like Daniel and his friends.

This friend will encourage you to run behind Jesus. This friend will not put your fire off, but stir you up to walk in God’s ways.

This friend will not be scared to confront you when you are going wrong, like Prophet Nathan who confronted his friend David when David committed adultery and was going in the wrong direction.

Do you have a friend like this? If yes, how about sharing this post to that friend and thanking her. If not, you become that kind of friend for someone, and God will bring one for you 🙂

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