March 8, 2018
Three Ways the Enemy Attacks a Leader’s Calling

By Pastor Kim D’souza
Nehemiah is one of my favourite leaders in the Bible and it’s amazing every time I meditate on the book of Nehemiah, there are so many things to learn!
Through this post, I want to encourage all those who are in leadership and draw your attention to three prominent ways in which the devil attacks a leader’s calling. These are three D’s – Discouragement, Distraction and Discredit.
Every leader has to go through discouragement and criticism. This comes from two sources – people who have walked the same path before you and from people who have never been in your shoes. Not everyone will agree to your way of doing things and will have an opinion about everything you do, but be humble when it comes to accepting Godly correction and be resilient when it comes to obeying God, regardless of what people say. Many will slander and gossip behind your back, but if God puts something in your heart, just do it.
When God put a purpose in Nehemiah’s heart, he had to go through insults and ridicule (Nehemiah 4:2-3). There was also discouragement from his very own people who complained saying, “Our strength is giving out.” To add on to this, the Jews confessed “Ten times over” that the enemy will overpower them. (Nehemiah 4:10,12). But all this didn’t demotivate Nehemiah. He encouraged himself and others saying, “Don’t be afraid. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome and fight (Nehemiah 4:14).
As leaders, don’t get distracted by failures or even by your successes. Be focused on your calling because distraction is another tool that the devil can use to pull you down.
When Nehemiah was overseeing the work of the walls, there were people from the enemy camp trying to meet Nehemiah, They said, “Come let us meet together. Come down on the plain.” But Nehemiah figured out that there was a hidden agenda. And he said, “I cannot go down”.
Dangerous D’s of the enemy – Discouragement, Distraction and Discredit
Dear leader, don’t go down. Don’t go back to from where you have come. Don’t get off course. Don’t go back to your past. Don’t be ruled by man’s empty praise, lest pride takes over. Also, be careful who you associate with. Discern what and who is pulling you down. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). Remember, the life of a person who is called out by God is very lonely because not many will understand you. But know that He who has promised is faithful.
When discouragement and distraction didn’t work for Nehemiah, the enemy camp tried to push Nehemiah to commit a sin, so they would give a bad name to Nehemiah and discredit him ( Nehemiah 6:10-13).
Let us beware of the devil’s schemes, he will always try to malign your character and discredit you because when a godly leader falls from grace, the repercussions can be drastic on the people who look up to to him. As Rev. Billy Graham said, “When character is lost, all is lost.” Graham and his close-knit team determined that integrity would be the hallmark of their ministry. He had four predominant rules for his team: Operate with financial transparency, Avoid even the appearance of sexual immorality, avoid criticizing other pastors and churches and be painstakingly honest in all publicity.
We ought to guard our character and walk with the Lord ferociously. You see, at the end of it, what matters is not how well we began, but how well we finished!
To conclude let Micah 6:8 be guiding principle of your life –
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
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