1. Don’t have dreams or set goals
Dreaming is very risky as you will inspire many people to disagree with what you desire. Also, don’t do anything important. Stay out of situations that need solutions!
2. Stay with the crowd
Dress like them, talk like them and for goodness sakes don’t have any moral convictions. Having strong moral values is a sure way to be hated by every virtue-less person. Also, don’t stand up for anything or anyone. Forget being loyal, just agree with whoever you are with.
3. Don’t set boundaries with people
Never tell anyone “NO” or confront anyone. Be a doormat…Let people walk on you, cheat on you and abuse you. Oh, then call it “loving like Jesus” so you can feel good about feeling bad.
4. Don’t think well of yourself
Remind people how incapable, weak, dumb and ugly you are. That will cause some to think you are arrogant or prideful. Also, don’t own nice things as you will cause others to be jealous of you. Whenever you look more blessed than others, they will have to question your motives or your means.
5. Following Jesus?
Following Jesus is another way to loose great friends! People will feel guilty around you because you don’t do the things they do. They will think you are trying to be spiritual. Having convictions will cause others to feel condemned.
Courtesy: Kris Vallatton Ministries (The above article is excerpted from an Instagram post by @kvmministries)
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