When situations come to test you, when problems come your way, do you end up doubting the love of God? Do you begin to question if He is actually with you? Do you feel as though God is angry with you and punishing you for some sin you committed?

Today, let’s put an end to this argument.

I want you to imagine this.

You have done something awful and brutal, like committing a murder, and it is confirmed publicly that you are guilty; even you know in your heart that you have done it. Now you deserve the punishment, and the situation demands that justice be done.

He loves me

In that situation, your Father stands up and says, “Leave her out of this; take me instead, and I will take her place.”

And you stand there with the entire city being called, and right before your eyes, your Father is beaten mercilessly to the point that He is disfigured, completely stripped and mocked and spat on.

At that point, if somebody comes and asks you if your Father really loves you, what will be your reaction?

Pause and think.

I’m sure there won’t be even a moment of doubt in your head because you have seen what has happened. And I’m sure that at this point, you will doubt the entire world, but you will not doubt your Father because now His love is tested, and you are fully convinced that He is for you and that His love will never fail.


Daughter, hasn’t your God done exactly the same for you? The Bible says, in Romans 8:31-32 (NKJV), “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

Then why do you doubt when you face problems in your life? Why do you waver? Why do you still question this good, good Father who stripped Himself completely for you?

Let this one thing be tested and proved in your life, that He loves you and that He is for you!

Let this become your declaration whenever a problem comes- “But I have tested Him, and He is on my team.”

So next time when somebody says, “Hey, look at you! You are not even married; everyone else is married“, stand up and say, “But, I have tested Him, and He is on my team.”

When somebody says, “Look at you, you don’t even have a job; look at your friends, they’ve all gone abroad to study, and nothing is happening in your life.”

What is going to be your response? “But I have tested Him, and He is on my team.”

When somebody says, “Look at you, how weak you are, you are struggling”, get up and shout, “But, I have tested Him, and He is on my team.”

Tomorrow when problems come your way, I want you to remember this line and remember your Father. If He did not spare His only Son for you, what makes you think you’re less loved? What makes you think that you are a nobody? What makes you feel that your life is without purpose?

From this day on, every time a situation comes to mock you, every time that addiction comes and tells you there is no hope for you, will you remember this line?

“But I have tested Him, and I know, and I know, and I know that He is on my side!!”

Team SoarGirls

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