Hmm, so today, we are talking about accountability!
Wondering what accountability is and why you need it?
Well, accountability simply means to hold yourself responsible to someone, especially in the areas where you struggle. Accountability is important because it removes the element of isolation from our Christian walk. Of course, our primary accountability is to God, but being accountable to someone can help us stand strong in areas where we can fall (Heb 10:24-25, Ecc 4:9-12).
In our generation accountability and submission is looked down upon or rarely understood.
Hebrews 13:17 (ESV) says, Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping a watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.
The Bible clearly says it will be of advantage to you (not your authority).
How accountability helps?
We have seen so many young girls who have great zeal and passion for the kingdom of God and yet they are not accountable to someone, which is dangerous. Many of them lose track and fall especially in the area of relationships, taking them completely off course from their calling. And, they end up hurting themselves and blaming God. You see, you can have a revelation of a specific area but lack in other areas and that’s why you have God-ordained leaders who can guide you. When you prayerfully expose these vulnerable areas, it begins your healing process.
Some of us feel dependence is a sign of weakness, for others, you find it difficult to put your trust in someone because others have broken it in the past. However, in consistent accountability is your protection. Self-sufficiency says I don’t need anyone, but humility shouts for help from those God has placed in our lives.
Your accountability partners can, through years of wisdom and walking with the Lord, see warning signs that you may tend to miss. It is wise to learn and seek their advice rather than waste your time learning from hard knocks, pain and years of struggle. (There are many who like to be ‘accountable’ to an online pastor or mentor. But remember an ‘offline’ pastor can see a side of you that no online pastor can. Oh ya, many times even you can’t!)
So, ask God to show you someone who you can trust, who can correct you and who will encourage you to run after the heart of God, and submit to the authority of this person. (Mind you, submission doesn’t mean control or manipulation). Remember when they give you advice or tell you the truth, it’s never to hurt you but to protect you. This trust gets built over a period of time, but it’s worth investing in.
Always submit to the same sex leaders and never the opposite sex. We have seen many girls fall in this area. Women love to listen to men but when another woman tells the same, they won’t consider it of much value. However, you need to look at the man of God and his wife in the same place as they are one and they minister with the same Holy Spirit.
Build an accountability circle
You can even be a part of the accountability circle of God-fearing friends. Have a godly standard for your friendships based on unconditional love and mutual trust. Of course, no friendship is perfect but stay close to those who are on fire for Jesus and make you love Jesus more.
Team Soar Girls
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