STORM- Our first Soar Girls conference was held in Leh, Ladakh on May 1st. As the Lord ministered through Pastor Kim D’Souza, daughters of God began to experience physical and emotional healing. The power of God flowed mightily and many who came were weeping non stop.
The Word highlighted practical principles from the life story of Zachariah and Elizabeth (Luke 1), who represent two categories of Christians we see – One who do things religiously and lack fruit and the other who function by faith and see the fulfillment of promises. We learnt that it is not about just loving God, but knowing His heart and mind through His Word as the Bible says only those who know their God shall do mighty exploits (Daniel 11:32)
And, at the end, the Holy Spirit filled us with His laughter and women began to laugh uncontrollably. The Lord turned the weeping of His daughters into great joy.
Here is a short glimpse of the Storm Conference…

Good News!!! We are super excited to announce our Soargirls Ladakh Chapter!!! For those unaware, Ladakh is a beautiful land situated in the northern region of India.
Every week on Saturdays we will have meet ups at Hotel Horzay. If you are in Leh or around, you cannot miss this! Or if you have friends in Leh, do share this with them.
For further details, refer to the flyer above.
Team Soar Girls
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