10 Differences between a Girl and a Woman

10 Differences between a Girl and a Woman

October 23, 2019

10 Differences between a Girl and a Woman

By Kim D’souza

    By Kim D’souza

Recently I happened to watch a video clip by Pastor Vlad of Hungry Generation Church on the topic 10 differences between a Boy and Man. Here is the link (A must hear for those who consider themselves as men!) I thought it would be nice to have a girl-woman version of it. So here you go:

Here are Ten Differences between a Girl and a Woman

1. A girl craves for attention from people and has an overwhelming concern about her physical appearance. She is under constant pressure to look a certain way and hence makes irrational and extreme choices to keep up to it. A woman knows that she holds the attention of God! She realises that charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but what matters the most is the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 31:30). Her mirror is the Word of God, and she is confident in the fact that she is beautiful the way God created her – Real, unfiltered and ‘unphotoshopped’ (Psalm 139:14).

2. A girl dresses up for the approval of others and in the process ends up in a compromising lifestyle. The way she dresses is to attract people to her. A woman on the other hand dresses up for Jesus, she knows she is the daughter of a king. “So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou Him…The king’s daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. She shall be brought unto the king in raiment of needlework…” -Psalm 45:13-14 (KJV). Her clothes carry the finesse of the royalty that runs in her blood – and that attracts the people not to her, but to the King! (That also means she is not casual about her clothing).

Girl – Woman… Who does God say you are?

3. A girl is frivolous in her attitude, takes life as it comes and is easily swayed by situations and the opinions of people around her. Her life revolves around her friends, date nights, social media followers, likes and comments. Her social accounts follow every Tom, Dick and Harry. A woman knows that she has a powerful assignment from God, and every decision she makes in her life is in consciousness of this fact. She doesn’t accept every friend or follow request she receives! She doesn’t linger with time-wasters, and is very careful who she walks with. You see, a girl lives for the moment while a woman is intentional about leaving a legacy behind!

4. A girl’s attitude and lifestyle give access for boys to make approaches, while a woman clothes herself with dignity (Proverbs 31:25). Her walk and her talk are filled with grace, and yet others know where to draw the line. A girl always blames others, while a woman knows that her respect is in her hands!

5. A girl is reckless with her body and uses it provocatively to gain people’s attention, but a woman sets an example before the world in everything – including the way she takes care of her body. She knows that her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and she leans on God’s wisdom (James 1:5) to steward it. She adapts healthy eating habits, maintains personal hygiene and always smells good!

6. A girl is quick to get into relationships and easily pulls her walls down. She struggles to say no because she doesn’t want to break the heart of the opposite person. A woman knows that she is worth far more than rubies (Proverbs 31:10). She is bold enough to say ‘No’ and preserves her body for the union of marriage. Not breaking God’s heart is more important to her than anybody else’s!

7. A girl often compares herself with others and in the process, she ends up harboring jealousy, pride, offence or low esteem. A woman is secure in the love of God and is thankful to God in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:18). She celebrates when others succeed and lifts others up when they fail.

8. A girl is driven by her temporary craving. She thinks that she is the center point of the entire universe, and lavishly spends on herself and her never-ending shopping list! A woman knows that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). At the same time, she is a good steward of the money and knows how to plan for her future and her family.

9. A girl is led by her emotions and mood swings. She is very sensitive to what people say and makes her tears a crutch. A woman learns to become sensitive to the Holy Spirit more than people around her. She knows that her tears are precious and makes them her strength by shedding them at the feet of Jesus.

10. A girl uses her tongue to spark fire and cause great damage to herself and others. A woman knows that in quietness and trust is her strength (Isaiah 30:15). Many a time she wins her battles with her conduct, and without words!

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Struggling with Menstrual Pain & Disorders? Break Free Now!

Struggling with Menstrual Pain & Disorders? Break Free Now!

MAY 24, 2018

Struggling with Menstrual Pain & Disorders? Break Free Now!

By Kim D’souza

    By Pastor Kim D’souza

I remember visiting my native place when I was in my pre-teen years. During this time, my mother and I went to visit a house nearby and as we were about to leave, I heard someone screaming in pain. This was not an ‘ordinary scream’ but almost as if someone was in intense labour pain. I ran in the direction of this cry, only to see a young girl slouching on a cot and weeping and screaming in pain. Later on, I came to know that she was suffering from menstruation cramps. I didn’t know much about menstruation at that time, but it definitely seemed to be a traumatic experience that I or any other girl could do without. Praise God, I never had to battle with any menstruation issues, but the reason I am led to share about this topic on our blog is because I sense it will set many of you, who are struggling, free!
Young women don’t talk openly about it, but statistics reveal that up to 80% of women report having some form of menstruation disorders including painful cramps, excessive bleeding, prolonged periods etc. If you are one of them, I believe God wants to heal you right now!  

…. And here’s the key

Your healing is hidden in the confession of your mouth

You need to confess what you need to get it

The Bible says in Job 22:28, You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you. First things first – While there may be things that you may not like about your period, not everything about it is negative. In fact, every cell and activity in our body is a testimony of God’s perfect work. As the Psalmist proclaims: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalms 139:13-14) Menstrual cycle is a beautiful way designed by God for the hormones in a woman’s body to remain balanced. Regular periods also provide vital information about the reproductive system, metabolic system, thyroid glands and bone health in one’s body. Medical experts say that when menstruation stops for longer than 90 days in the absence of pregnancy or breastfeeding, a medical evaluation should be taken as a number of health problems can occur. Wow! That makes me value my periods, rather than grumble about it. And what I value and appreciate- I don’t feel sad about it, nor do I feel fearful or condemned. Much of thinking with respect to menstruation is shaped by the media or the stories of women around us. And as you think in your heart, so shall it will be for you (Proverbs 23:7). We need to renew our mind with the Word of God and not think, say and act as the world does. As opposed to fear, pain, discomfort, inconvenience and ‘cleaning up’ mentality, I encourage you to value and bless your body during the menstrual cycle. Stop complaining or allowing your emotions to rule over you, rather fill your mouth with thanksgiving and praise. Instead of saying, “I am in my down days” or ” I am bound to feel depressed or emotional during my period”, declare loudly : Body, I bless you. Thank you, for you are working as God has meant you to. I am in my best days. I am happy and blessed! Say it out loud; say it like you mean it – with all your heart. And even as you do that by faith, you will see it happen in the natural. Your miracle is in your mouth! Even as I conclude, I want to pray with you..
In the name of Jesus, I command every menstrual disorder to leave your body right now. Pain – You are illegal in this body, which is purchased by the blood of Jesus. I command all the body parts to align and function in order as God intended to be. I cancel every negative word and self-imposed curse declared over your body related to menstruation in the name of Jesus. I thank you Jesus for this healing. In your precious name I pray. Amen.
Three Ways the Enemy Attacks a Leader’s Calling

Three Ways the Enemy Attacks a Leader’s Calling

March 8, 2018

Three Ways the Enemy Attacks a Leader’s Calling

Leaders guard your calling

                                 By Pastor Kim D’souza

Nehemiah is one of my favourite leaders in the Bible and it’s amazing every time I meditate on the book of Nehemiah, there are so many things to learn!

Through this post, I want to encourage all those who are in leadership and draw your attention to three prominent ways in which the devil attacks a leader’s calling. These are three D’s – Discouragement, Distraction and Discredit.


Every leader has to go through discouragement and criticism. This comes from two sources – people who have walked the same path before you and from people who have never been in your shoes. Not everyone will agree to your way of doing things and will have an opinion about everything you do, but be humble when it comes to accepting Godly correction and be resilient when it comes to obeying God, regardless of what people say. Many will slander and gossip behind your back, but if God puts something in your heart, just do it.

When God put a purpose in Nehemiah’s heart, he had to go through insults and ridicule (Nehemiah 4:2-3). There was also discouragement from his very own people who complained saying, “Our strength is giving out.” To add on to this, the Jews confessed “Ten times over” that the enemy will overpower them. (Nehemiah 4:10,12). But all this didn’t demotivate Nehemiah. He encouraged himself and others saying, “Don’t be afraid. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome and fight (Nehemiah 4:14).



As leaders, don’t get distracted by failures or even by your successes. Be focused on your calling because distraction is another tool that the devil can use to pull you down.

When Nehemiah was overseeing the work of the walls, there were people from the enemy camp trying to meet Nehemiah, They said, “Come let us meet together. Come down on the plain.” But Nehemiah figured out that there was a hidden agenda. And he said, “I cannot go down”.

Dangerous D’s of the enemy – Discouragement, Distraction and Discredit

Dear leader, don’t go down. Don’t go back to from where you have come. Don’t get off course. Don’t go back to your past. Don’t be ruled by man’s empty praise, lest pride takes over. Also, be careful who you associate with. Discern what and who is pulling you down. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). Remember, the life of a person who is called out by God is very lonely because not many will understand you. But know that He who has promised is faithful.


When discouragement and distraction didn’t work for Nehemiah, the enemy camp tried to push Nehemiah to commit a sin, so they would give a bad name to Nehemiah and discredit him ( Nehemiah 6:10-13).

Let us beware of the devil’s schemes, he will always try to malign your character and discredit you because when a godly leader falls from grace, the repercussions can be drastic on the people who look up to to him. As Rev. Billy Graham said, “When character is lost, all is lost.” Graham and his close-knit team determined that integrity would be the hallmark of their ministry. He had four predominant rules for his team: Operate with financial transparency, Avoid even the appearance of sexual immorality, avoid criticizing other pastors and churches and be painstakingly honest in all publicity.

We ought to guard our character and walk with the Lord ferociously. You see, at the end of it, what matters is not how well we began, but how well we finished!

To conclude let Micah 6:8 be guiding principle of your life –

And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

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Struggling? Come Walk With Me, Says Jesus

Struggling? Come Walk With Me, Says Jesus

February 28, 2018

Struggling? Come Walk With Me, Says Jesus

By Kim D’souza

    By Pastor Kim D’souza

Struggling with addictions? Weaknesses? Fighting wrong thoughts? Doing something that you know is wrong but you can’t seem to win over it?

I hear Jesus singing over you, “Come, walk with me.”

That’s all you and I got to do.

Don’t try to be good or perfect in order to reach Him. Instead go to Jesus just the way you are, and start spending time with Him.

In the book of Acts 4:13 we read, When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

The best walk in life – Walk with Jesus!

Peter and John were ordinary, undignified and smelly fishermen. Until one day they decided to drop their nets and walk with Jesus – spend time with Him, listen to Him, ask Him questions. It is in this process of being with Jesus, that their likeness changed! So much so that the world around them were astonished!

That’s exactly what you got to do right now. Start spending time with Jesus and His Word and as you do that, you will not have to strive to see a change in yourself, but His light in your life will cause all your addictions and struggles to fade.

I love this testimony of my husband – there was a time when Derrick was struggling with the addiction of smoking. There was a desire in him to change but no matter how hard he tried, he could not let it go. So he started spending more and more time with Jesus (sometimes even with a cigarette in hand!) And as he did that, the word of God became like fire in his bones, and one day his bondage broke, and he could no longer smoke again!

Wow, that’s the power of being in the company of Jesus.

“Come, walk with me,” Jesus is calling out to you. Would you hearken to His voice today?

Three Wrong Reasons To Get Married

Three Wrong Reasons To Get Married

August 23, 2017

Three Wrong Reasons To Get Married

By Kim D’souza

    By Kim D’souza

Hello singles! Harboring a desire to get married anytime soon? Now, that’s a good desire (Proverbs 18:22), but as you read this, I encourage you to dig deep in your hearts and answer this: Why do you want to get married?

If your purpose of getting married is not aligned with the Word of God, it may cause heart breaks later.

Well, here are three wrong reasons to get married:

1. I want to get married because all my friends are getting married

The generation today is largely influenced by their peer group in their decision-making. You desire for the same phone or camera that your friend owns, if not better. You want to visit the same country that your Facebook friend has posted snaps about. And then you realise you need to get married because all the friends in your age group have a married or engaged status.

However let me remind you: The decision of marriage is something that will not only affect a season in your life, but will impact your lifetime. And as His child, God wants you to make all the decisions of your life, especially marriage, on the leading of His Spirit, and not on the basis of your friends or parental pressure. The world can go wrong, but God never will. And as a good Father who gives perfect and good gifts to His children, God doesn’t want you to play a ‘hit-and-miss’ game. He is the one who knows your end from the beginning and He wants you to depend on the wonderful counsellor and your best friend Holy Spirit for your marriage decision.

Also, comparison will only make you feel wretched or prideful, and a marriage driven on feelings is like a house built on sand that will not stand for long. Instead of comparing yourself with your friends, why not celebrate single hood? Use this season to draw closer to Jesus and seek His grace to prepare you for your next season.
Get your motive right for getting married!

2. I want to get married because I am lonely

Whoever told you that marriage is a solution for loneliness is absolutely wrong! If you are entering into marriage with this notion in your mind, that’s too high of an expectation from man.

Do you know you can be in a room filled with people and yet be lonely in your heart? Do you know there are couples married for decades together and yet lonely?

The solution to your loneliness is not marriage but a relationship with Jesus!

He is the one who completes you with His love and if you still have not invited Him in the broken and lonely areas of your heart, it would be good to do so, before even you think of getting married. Your partner cannot complete you. But when you invite Jesus into your heart, He makes you a new creation.

Loneliness is a state of mind or feeling and God wants you to renew your mind and live by faith in His Word and not by your feelings. He promises in His Word to never leave nor forsake you. He assures you that nothing can separate you from His unconditional love. It’s only when you are filled with the unconditional love of God, that you are able to give it to others unconditionally.

3. I want to get married because it will make me a better and more responsible 

This is the biggest lie that you can believe concerning marriage. Very often we hear this, especially from parents of young adults. They say, “Let him get married, he will change and become more responsible.”

Listen, marriage doesn’t change anything.  In fact I believe marriage exposes your weaknesses even more. I used to think I was the most patient, humble and understanding girl around until I got married and all my hidden pride was exposed.

Again marriage is not a quick-fix solution to the issues of your life, but Jesus is!

The key is to surrender your weakness, hurts, addictions to God and allow him to heal you from within and fill you with his love and grace before even you think of getting married.

If the above post has ministered to you, please do share it with your friends!

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