Are You Still Worrying?
July 26, 2019
Are You Still Worrying?

By Derrick D’souza
By Pastor Derrick D’souza
There are so many profound principles in the Word of God that they are often overlooked because they are really so simple.
Look at what God says in Matthew 6:24, “No one can SERVE two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money”.
Most people assume that the Scripture is talking about how you need to choose God over money. But the intent here is not to choose God over money but to SERVE God instead of money. That’s a whole different thought process and lifestyle, that comes with that knowledge.
Most people I know of in the kingdom of God have chosen Jesus as their Lord and Savior but they have never made a decision to serve Him. I can already hear the church rise up in arms with that statement! But I do go to church, pay my tithes, I don’t tell lies and live a good life, is the answer. What more should I do??
Well let’s read the next verse for the answer, Matthew 6:25, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
Whenever the word “Therefore” is used, you need to understand what it is there for?
So, Jesus is actually saying, if you SERVE me, do not WORRY about life, because I got all of you covered!
Food, clothing, shelter, everything… He then makes two very awesome examples that make me laugh at all the worries.
1. For those who worry about Food – He says, just in case you’re a foodie, check out my birdies in the sky, they neither sow nor reap yet they get fed on time every time and you are more valuable to me than they.
2. For those who worry about clothes & fashion – He says, just in case you were thinking King Solomon clothes would have definitely been a fashion statement at his time. Jesus smiles and says: Solomon’s attire was not even on par to some of the lilies of the field that are dressed by Me. By the way God clothes the lilies of the field, they never labor or spin or dress themselves up. They usually grow up serving the One who created them and He dresses them up along the way.
So, my point is if you are worrying in life about life, there is a 100% chance you are not serving God!
You may be seeking Him for the above but not serving Him with your life. But choosing to serve has always ensured God’s complete provision.
And then there are others who serve God on their terms, i.e. when they want and how they want to.
You may ask why serve? Because serving comes with surrender. When you worry about eating, drinking, housing, clothing, you do so for your own benefit, but when you serve God you are not serving God for your benefit but for the benefit of others and that brings the provision from God.
So, are you still worrying?
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