Don’t Know How to Praise God? This Can Help..

Don’t Know How to Praise God? This Can Help..

Have you wondered, “How do I start praising God? What do I say?”

Psalms 100:4 says, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name!“.

Thanking God should be easy. There are countless things to thank God for—the food on the table, shelter, being alive and well—the list can go on.

When it came to praise, as a young believer, I didn’t know what and how to praise God. I knew songs, and I knew that was one type of praise, but when I wanted to talk to God, I didn’t know how to start. At that time, I came across a booklet where it had praises of God. That was it; it helped me learn how to magnify God when my flesh wanted to magnify my problems. This booklet helped me for a while to get started on this journey of praise.

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Well, I don’t have that booklet with me anymore, nor can I remember everything that was written there, but I listed a few praises to God below that can help you get started if you, like I once was, don’t know what to say when it comes to praising God.

Remember, this is just to get you started and get to know Him, not a formula to follow. Once you know who God is, and what He has done for you, you should say it on your own without referring to any notes. Come on, God loves it when you talk to Him without a script yet know who He is to you and what He has done for you.

Praises to God

God, You are the Alpha and the Omega.
You are the Beginning and the End.
You are the Great I AM.
You are the Resurrection and the Life.
You are the First and the Last.
You are the Living Waters.
You are the Bread of Life.
You are Holy.
You are the Righteous Judge.
You are my Shield.
You are clothed with splendor and majesty.
You are the Great King of all kings.
You are the Lord of lords.
You are an Awesome God.
There is none like You, O Lord.
You are the only God.
You are the Maker of heavens and earth.
You are the Author of my life.
You are El Shaddai, the Almighty God.
You are El Elyon, The Most High God.
You are El Olam, The Everlasting God.
You are El-Roi, The Mighty God who sees.
You are Elohim, Our Creator.
You are Jehovah Jireh, The Lord, my Provider.
You are Jehovah Raah, The Lord, my Shepherd.
You are Jehovah Rapha, The Lord, my Healer.
You are Jehovah Nissi, The Lord, my victory.
You are Jehovah Saboath, the Lord of armies.
You are Jehovah Shammah, The Lord who is ever present with me.
You are Jehovah Tsidkenu, The Lord, my Righteousness.
You are Jehovah Medkoddishkem, The Lord who sanctifies me.
You are Jehovah Shalom, The Lord, my peace.
You are Quanna, My Jealous God.
You are Adonai, Lord my Master.

Have more that you can add to this list? Write back to us, and we can add it to the blog. 🙂

Also, be sure to check out this post that will encourage you to develop the habit of thanksgiving: Be Thankful in The Small

May you enjoy His presence as you praise Him.


Alisha Joji


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In Pain But Praise Changed The Atmosphere 🌫️

In Pain But Praise Changed The Atmosphere 🌫️

How do you start your conversation with God? Do you tend to pour out your complaints as soon as you enter His presence?

Have you ever wondered, “How can I enter God’s presence?” “What must I do?” “What must I say as I come into His presence?”

Years back, when I was in college, one day, I was traveling back home after completing my final semester exam. I was crying on the way back because I was sure I failed the exam. That subject was considered difficult by all and many in the past had failed it. I cried, knowing I had failed because I could not answer more than the pass marks.

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As I was crying in the bus, suddenly, a preacher’s words came to mind: “When you are distressed and low, and you have no hope, just praise God”. The Holy Spirit brought this verse to my remembrance:

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
Psalms 100:4

And the next minute, I just obeyed the voice. I didn’t feel like praising God at all; my soul was weary, and I felt like a failure. But I thought, even though that’s what I feel, God is still God, and He is awesome.

So, I started to praise God and remember how awesome He is. I began to magnify God. I said, “God, even though I am limited, You can do more than what I could not have done; You can change the outcome of my results. I started to declare how awesome and great He is.

And as soon as I started to do that, I realised the whole atmosphere around me in the bus changed. I could feel a heavy weight of God’s presence in the bus over me. I could sense angels around me and the purest joy of heaven surrounding me.

Now, my cry had suddenly turned into an unexplainable joy, a joy I could not control or keep to myself. I started to laugh uncontrollably. That’s when I realised I just entered God’s court. (Psalms 100:4)

The Bible says in Psalms 16:11, “In your presence there is fullness of joy.
Also, you may be wondering if I passed the exam. Well, yes, miraculously!

Magnify God and not the problem

When you come before God, you have a choice: to magnify your problem or to magnify God and what He can do with that problem. Don’t make the mistake of making your problem bigger than God.

When you focus on who God is and what He can do, your problem that looks like a mountain will soon turn into a valley.

Worship is not based on our circumstances but based on who our God is.

Yours and my circumstances can change, but I know one thing: God and His love for you and me can never change. (Romans 8:38-39)

For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations.
Psalms 100:5

Alisha Joji


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Why You Need to Surrender Your Body to Christ

Why You Need to Surrender Your Body to Christ

Did you know your body is God’s personalized temple? It belongs to Him. But we do not always give our bodies to God. Our bodies are mostly controlled by our passions and very rarely led by the Spirit of God.

Here are 3 verses from the Bible that say that your body belongs to God:

1 Corinthians 6:13 says, “…The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.”

Has not the one God made you? You belong to him in body and spirit. Malachi 2:15 (NIV)

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

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God is inviting us to surrender our bodies to Him

The Bible says in Romans 6:13 (NLT), “Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.”

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
Romans 12:1 ESV

Every day, we have a choice to let God use our bodies and present it for His purpose or to let our desires and passions control it. It requires surrender and intentionality every day.
Let us make this year count and make this prayer for 2024:

Lord, let my eyes be Your Eyes.
Lord, let my mouth be Your Mouth.
Lord, let my ears be Your Ears.
Lord, let my mind be Your Mind.
Lord, let my hands be Your Hands.
Lord, let my feet be Your Feet.
Lord, let my heart be Your Heart.
Lord, let my desires be Your Desires.
Lord, let my thoughts be Your Thoughts.
Lord, teach me every day to put on Christ.
Lord, I cannot do without you! Here, I surrender my body to do your will. I receive your grace in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Alisha Joji


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The Mighty Army of God

The Mighty Army of God

For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God. 1 Chronicles 12:22 (NKJV)

This scripture is one of my favorite declarations. It talks about something amazing that happened with David when he became the king of Israel. Day by day men came on their own to David, wanting to help him and to be a part of his team. This kept happening until he had a ‘great’ army. And, this army was like the army of God!

Child of God, this is your portion. When you hold onto the vision God gives you and walk by faith, favor will come chasing you to make you great – almost like God!

Recently, the Holy Spirit gave me a renewed understanding of this verse. Until then, as I was confessing this verse, I would always imagine a supernatural increase in the number of people coming to be part of our vision, until the Holy Spirit said, “It is not about the numbers, but a handful who really believe in Me.”

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God is not interested in numbers as much as faith

The Bible is filled with examples of this. When we look at the Israelites, we see there were about 6 million people who crossed over from Egypt. But, out of these, only Joshua and Caleb, believed that God would do what He promised.

Another instance – When we look at the life of Gideon, he was fighting against a great army and started with 32,000 men from Israel. But God said to send home all who are fearful and afraid. In an instant, the army was reduced to less than half, and God was still not convinced. He said to take the remaining men to the water and choose those who lapped the water like a dog, finally bringing the total to 300.

God’s great army is not an army that is great in numbers, but an army that is great in faith. If He can find one man or woman who is convinced that God is able to do whatever He promises, He can bring a nation out of them!

We are in the end times and God is raising a great army. He wants you to be a part of His army. Your qualifications or skills are not criteria for Him to choose you. But God is saying, “Will I find faith?”

A people filled with faith will be His great army!

Author Kim D’souza


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