Coming straight to the point – Well, everybody has a past! Do you have a bad past and can’t seem to get over it?

God Is Greater Than Your Past

Firstly, let me tell you that God is greater than your past, no matter how bad or unrepairable it looks. Yes, mistakes do come with their consequences but they don’t have to define you.

And, it can never be late to take a U-turn and come back to God. He is waiting to heal and restore you. The moment you surrender your life completely to God, He forgives you of your past mistakes and gives you a new beginning.

Have a Bad Past and Can’t Get Over?

Forget what happened long ago! Don’t think about the past. I am creating something new. There it is! Do you see it? (Isa 43:19, CEV).

The devil may use people and situations around you to remind you of your past, but this is where you have to renew your mind, meditate on the Word of God and refuse to go into the pity party mode. (Also don’t fall into the trap of getting into a new relationship without getting healed of your past hurts. Rather during this period, get to know Jesus more.)

Know That God Had No Role In The Bad Happened

Secondly know that God had no role in what has happened to you. The Bible says that God is good and He does only good (Psa 119:68). Anything that is bad is not from God, but a result of the choices we make. In fact, God is the one who is for you and is still working to turn it around for your good (Rom 8:28).

So, take your brokenness to God and allow Him to heal you. Just as God forgave you, you forgive yourself and the people who caused you hurt. (Forgiving doesn’t mean trusting.)

This is an excerpt from the book “Girls Here’s What You Never Knew…God’s way to fireproof you from relationship pitfalls.” To get the book head to

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