I was fascinated to see how my favourite celebrities mopped the floor, did the dishes, and prepared their food. I was so much into the show that missing even a single episode was simply out of the question. I planned my daily schedule around the show.
Soon, I got to know one of my college mates was interning with the production house that produced Bigg Boss; wasting no time, I walked up to her to get some extra gossip about the celebrities on the program; to my utter disappointment, she wouldn’t indulge. Such was my craze for this program.
Thankfully, later on, when much needed understanding came, I made a decision to stop watching the show. I realised the ugly fights, verbal abuse, gossip, backbiting, being fed to the viewers day in and day out were creating a negative impact on me and my house. So, I made a decision to be careful of what programs I chose to consume.
It’s been several years since I stopped watching the show. However, one of the things I still remember about Bigg Boss is that one of the many reasons celebrities would have an ugly spat was when any contestant spoke ill of another contestant’s father during an argument.
The moment someone would utter a word against anyone’s father, you knew a big fight was about to erupt over this issue. Now this person would not let the other contestant go off easily. He/she would confront them, screaming at the top of their lungs, “Baap pe kaise gaya?” “How dare you go after my father?”
You see, this was a very touchy topic for many of the contestants. Boundary lines were clearly drawn, and the message was clear, ‘you are not allowed to utter a word against my father’, and the others understood the message.
Sometime back, while reading my Bible, the Holy Spirit reminded me of this line, ‘Baap pe kaise gaya?’ As I began to think about it, the Holy Spirit said that many times, when the devil brings doubt or wrong thoughts about your Heavenly Father, what should be your response? Many of our doubts, fears, anxieties, and insecurities arise from the fact that we, in our hearts, do not believe in the goodness of our Heavenly Father.
Do we really believe in the goodness of God?
Many issues of our lives stem from the fact that we doubt in our hearts that our Heavenly Father truly loves us. The Bible in the book of Genesis talks about the devil sowing the seeds of doubt in Adam and Eve against God and they eventually disbelieved God and sinned against Him. It is no wonder, then, that the devil is called the father of lies, “When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44
Girls, when we are faced with a tough situation and our hearts question our Father’s love and care for us, the devil may find it as a good opportunity to sow his seeds of doubt and lies in us against our loving Heavenly Father. That has been his agenda since day one to separate God’s children from God.
We have a choice either to sit back, savour those lies, dwell on it, become hopeless and sad or stand up with a holy anger and shout at the devil, “Baap pe kaise Gaya”? Our boundary lines have to be clear that no one is allowed to put in us an ill thought against our Father. Our Father’s love and plans are for our good.
We may not always think about Him, but He always thinks about us. We, as His children, are always on His mind. Every good thing comes from the father of lights. He is too good, generous, kind, and compassionate.
Today, if a seed of disbelief about a situation that you are faced with is coming in your head, stand up and say, “Baap pe kaise gaya?”
“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10
Nadia Feroz
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