Our God is BIGGGG oh! That means whatever He does can only be bigger than our imagination. So what do you do when this Big God gives you a Big Dream? Here’s what you do…

1. Renew your mind (Rom12:2) and Believe Him(Gen15:6)

Just believe that the dream giver is also the one who helps fulfill the dream. He is too faithful to fail or disappoint you. Just as Abram believed and it was credited to his righteousness (Gen15:6). We need to believe and keep renewing our mind daily with His Word. Believe that God who gave you the dream will bring it to fulfillment.

2.  Be faithful in the little that God has given you now.(Luke 16:10)

Keep multiplying the gifts and talents that God has blessed you with. The best way to do it is to use it to build the kingdom of God and serve joyfully. Be faithful in the little for God to entrust you with much more!

Big God

3. Trust God (not man) to provide the resources ( Matt 6:33)

Trust God who gave you the big dream. His dreams and promises are always accompanied by vision and provisions. All we need is to Seek Him first and these( provisions) will be added unto you. Only learn to trust Him at all times. Lean on Him and not on man!

4.  Spend more time with the dream giver. (Act 4:13)

Peter and John, astonished the people of Israel with their boldness and preached the Gospel. Though they had no formal education nor schooling to do so. Spending time with Jesus will give you outrageous courage and boldness to do things that you will not do otherwise just as Peter and John did. May the people around you know whose your company! The more you spend time with Jesus the more you get equipped to operate and become like Him .

5.  Count the cost. Be disciplined.( 1 Corn 9:25)

Everything comes with a cost. Following Jesus and His dreams comes with a cost. Be willing to pay any cost to receive the crown that the Big God has kept for you. Discipline yourself to win the race and not just merely run it. Then your dream is very close to come to fruition. Be of good courage, and run to win this race.

By now we hope that you have determined to follow these 5 steps to see your Big dreams being fulfilled. If so, let us pray along with you “Big Daddy, Thank you for giving me the Big dream. I know you are walking alongside me strengthening and encouraging me in this walk of faith. This year I will see the Big dream unfolding before my very eyes in Jesus Name.”

If you need specific prayer, please feel free to write back to us at [email protected]. We are more than happy to be your prayer partner.


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