Were you able to watch the movie “I Can Only Imagine“? Well, here’s our next movie recommendation: Facing The Giants.

We all have giants in our life that we need to face. I recently heard this scripture, and it stood out to me the way Jesus said it in John 16:33, which says, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Wow, God says He has overcome the world. Doesn’t that give us hope that we, too, can face and overcome the giants in our lives?

Here’s a movie that shows a real-life struggle and how when one man chooses the narrow path, he gets his whole life in order and influences the people around him.

If you love sports, motivational, or inspiring movies, then this is a must-watch!


Psst short spoilers ahead!

It’s about a coach who has lost several seasons, and most of his good players move into another high school where they have a chance to win. All the fathers of the players conspire against him to get him dismissed as a coach. He could barely make ends meet at home, and his wife could not get pregnant.

This coach had but one goal- win games. But everything changed when he met a man of God who changed his perspective on life. In the man of God’s words, ” We need to give God our best in every area, and if we win, we praise Him, and if we lose, we praise Him.”
I know this movie will encourage you, move you, and make you face your giants!

Hit reply and let us know your thoughts on this movie. 🙂

Alisha Joji

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