Hey Girls! Can you believe we are already midway through 2021? Phew! Amidst the To-Do Lists, Targets, Goals and clutter of life, we all need some whitespace. Isn’t it?

So we thought of doing something differrent this week. We created little whitespace for you, so you can fill in some beautiful colours. What better way than to combine your creative time with positive affirmations from the Word of God!

Coloring pages

Check out these below Colouring Pages. These are good reminders designed to help you soar high in life. All you need to do is to click on the image to download a PDF, print and start colouring.

Once you color the pages, don’t forget to post it on your Instagram and tag us ( @soar.girls ).

We would love to see your creativity.
Happy Coloring!


Team Soargirls

Coloring pages,Funtime with Jesus,Free Printables
Coloring pages,Funtime with Jesus,Free Printables
Coloring pages,Funtime with Jesus,Free Printables

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