Hey girls, this word comes out of lot of desperation and he who has ears let him hear. Before 2022 ends, can I invite you to surrender your three months October, November and December to Jesus? In this season, would you partner with the Holy Spirit to usher yourself into the move of God?
Here are two things the Lord has been impressing upon my heart:
First, Seek God in “Daily”
For 3 months when Obed Edom, a non-Israelite (2 Sam 6:11,12) hosted God in his house, what never happened in his lifetime happened – ALL that belonged to him was blessed. All includes his career, his job, his relationships, his marriage, his children- Everything! In fact he was so blessed in every area of his life that this news spread and reached David’s ears, the then king of Israel.
When the disciples met daily in prayer, a suddenly of the Holy Spirit came (Acts 2:2), your daily is the key to “suddenly” things shifting in your life.
These 3 months can we encourage you to pray in tongues for a minimum of half an hour for revival, or a move of God in your life? It’s not about the months or duration, but our consistency and commitment in seeking God’s face daily. You see, it is easy to walk when there is no commitment, but commitment involves a cost. And God is waiting to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are fully committed to Him (2 Chr 16:9).
What you do now doesn’t affect the future.
That’s a lie.
“I’m only 16. I don’t need to worry about _____ yet.”
“I’ll settle down when I get older / get a job.”
“I won’t have such kind of freedom later, so I might as well enjoy it now.”
What you choose to do now will either form habits you have to break in the future or habits that are helpful to you. Galatians 6:7 says, “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” I don’t think there is any more important habit you could possibly form than getting to know and seek God. Every aspect of your life, short term and long term, will be affected by this ONE habit.
Just as addictions are formed out of habits and habits are birthed out of “dailies”, your daily time alone with the Lord will transform your life first, and soon it will overflow into every area of your life.
Second, Take limits off God
It’s not God who is withholding a revival in your life, but it’s we limiting a revival seeking God with our very own words (Pro 18:21).
“Nothing will come out of my life” “I am getting into depression” I can never be good at this” – 3 months, intentionally change your language.
Trust me what years of trying to change, breaking your addictions, and counselling sessions has not done, your surrender in this season to God will do.
Remember half an hour praying in tongues daily for revival in your life. As you do something you have never done before, your eyes will see something that you have never seen before!
Author Kim DSouza
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