Identity in Christ

Happy Galentine’s Day!! Yes, you heard it right. Somebody sent us a message that while Feb 14 is celebrated as Valentine’s Day, Feb 13 is Galentine’s Day, a day to recognize the impact that our girl friends have on our lives and thank them for their steadfast loyalty, love, and laughter.

So, we want to say to you, no matter which part of the world you are in, we celebrate you. Well, not because Ms.Galentine says so, but because you are uniquely created and cherished by our Father in heaven. And we thought of doing a JUST LIKE THAT GIVEAWAY for you, because we don’t need a special occasion to celebrate you!!

We are giving away Super Cool Dead Sea Products by Ahava + Soar Painting by God’s Fingerprint and a colour copy of the ebook: Girls, Here’s What You Never Knew


For Giveaway rules and other information, head to our IG Giveaway Post HERE
And don’t forget to share the post with your friends and wish them Happy Galentine’s Day from us 🙂

Keep Soaring!
Team Soar

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