Hey, daughter of God. Are you feeling hopeless? Or are you in the midst of a situation where you’re desperate for help?
Well, here’s what David did when he found himself in a similar situation…
But David found STRENGTH in the Lord!! 1 Sam 30:6
Yes, the situation was desperate; the enemy had taken their families and not just their belongings. They were taken captive and not just RANSOME. They were gone, nothing to the sight, a hopeless situation. And they were ‘AS GOOD AS DEAD’, actually WORSE than dead. Death closes the chapter, captivity meant they were alive but none knew where they were.
Ever been in that situation, where you see your loved one being dragged away from you ? Or everything you had was lost or was taken from you?

The husbands, the fathers, the mighty men of valor in David’s army could do nothing but cry and moan. They lost even their senses as they wanted to stone David believing he was the reason for their children and wives missing. David was left with none, alone, pressed down, he was in despair but he knew the GOD he believed in HAD NOT LEFT HIS SIDE!!
This is a reminder if you are feeling hopeless or if you are in a desperate situation when you are losing strength and peace – GO TO GOD!
David “FOUND” “STRENGTH” in the Lord!
We later see in this story how he eventually gets back all that the enemy had dared taken from him and more!!
David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken, including his two wives. Nothing was missing: young or old, boy or girl, plunder or anything else they had taken. David brought everything back. He took all the flocks and herds, and his men drove them ahead of the other livestock, saying, “This is David’s plunder.” 1 Sam 30:18-20
Be encouraged, go to GOD, and FIND your STRENGTH in Him!!
Ruta Miller
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