Is it ok to kiss someone you are engaged with? So recently somebody asked us this question. And here is what we have to say:

What’s the purpose? Is it to prove your love to him? Then that is clearly not love. If it’s for the purpose of showing your love to your fiancée, there are better ways. How about surprising him by participating in a hobby activity that he likes?

Is It Ok To Kiss Someone You Are Engaged With?

You see whenever boundaries are crossed, it often begins with a kiss. One kiss may lead to another and that may lead to something that may bring feelings of regret.

In fact, post your engagement it is good if you discuss with your future spouse how you are going to respect sexual boundaries until you say your vows to each other.

When you live a life of dignity in the way you represent yourself and when you seek to honour God and His word, we challenge you to see whether your man will even ask you for this. Never make pleasing man a focus, rather please God and He is able to turn around the hearts of man according to His desire (Pro 21:1).

Well, we hope that this blog post answered your question – Is it ok to kiss someone you are engaged with?

This is an excerpt from the book “Girls Here’s What You Never Knew…God’s way to fireproof you from relationship pitfalls.” To get the book head to

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