Love movies? Well, we love movies too. However, not all movies are really good for you because your eyes and ears are the doors to your life. What you see and hear is what you become into.
So, from time to time we will suggest a movie that you could watch! We will share the trailers and the links maybe if the movie is available.
For this month the movie I can recommend for you to watch is “ I Can Only Imagine”.
Psst! Spoilers ahead!
It’s a true story of a boy who had a bad father and has gone through abuse and witnessed his mom going through it too. His mom left him and he had not known love nor does he know how to love but he goes on to follow his dreams. But when life gets tough that’s when the enemy replays his past and the words that were spoken over his life come alive. Would he be able to ever forgive his father? Or can God change lives? Can dreams come true? Does God care for the abused? Can God lift the lowly?
Here’s a true story you cannot miss because this is what happens at home. With words spoken by people, our lives have become limited. And with the abuse, we must have gone through God gives us the grace to forgive because He has forgiven us. Watch this movie and let us know your views. Also, let us know if you would be interested in getting more movie recommendations by writing to us at [email protected].
Alisha Joji
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