How do you start your conversation with God? Do you tend to pour out your complaints as soon as you enter His presence?

Have you ever wondered, “How can I enter God’s presence?” “What must I do?” “What must I say as I come into His presence?”

Years back, when I was in college, one day, I was traveling back home after completing my final semester exam. I was crying on the way back because I was sure I failed the exam. That subject was considered difficult by all and many in the past had failed it. I cried, knowing I had failed because I could not answer more than the pass marks.

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As I was crying in the bus, suddenly, a preacher’s words came to mind: “When you are distressed and low, and you have no hope, just praise God”. The Holy Spirit brought this verse to my remembrance:

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
Psalms 100:4

And the next minute, I just obeyed the voice. I didn’t feel like praising God at all; my soul was weary, and I felt like a failure. But I thought, even though that’s what I feel, God is still God, and He is awesome.

So, I started to praise God and remember how awesome He is. I began to magnify God. I said, “God, even though I am limited, You can do more than what I could not have done; You can change the outcome of my results. I started to declare how awesome and great He is.

And as soon as I started to do that, I realised the whole atmosphere around me in the bus changed. I could feel a heavy weight of God’s presence in the bus over me. I could sense angels around me and the purest joy of heaven surrounding me.

Now, my cry had suddenly turned into an unexplainable joy, a joy I could not control or keep to myself. I started to laugh uncontrollably. That’s when I realised I just entered God’s court. (Psalms 100:4)

The Bible says in Psalms 16:11, “In your presence there is fullness of joy.
Also, you may be wondering if I passed the exam. Well, yes, miraculously!

Magnify God and not the problem

When you come before God, you have a choice: to magnify your problem or to magnify God and what He can do with that problem. Don’t make the mistake of making your problem bigger than God.

When you focus on who God is and what He can do, your problem that looks like a mountain will soon turn into a valley.

Worship is not based on our circumstances but based on who our God is.

Yours and my circumstances can change, but I know one thing: God and His love for you and me can never change. (Romans 8:38-39)

For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations.
Psalms 100:5

Alisha Joji


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