In the previous post, we addressed brokenness as a means to chasing God’s heart and in this post we will look at the heart of repentance.

God loves the heart that is quick to repent when it messes up.

God loves the heart that is quick to repent and runs after Him everytime it messes up.

Brokenness brings repentance, weeping, humility and sensitivity to the things of the Spirit.

David, tagged as the man after God’s heart fell terribly in his life. But everytime he broke God’s heart, he was always quick to repent and weep, almost shamelessly and publicly at times.

As soon as Nathan confronted David after he committed adultery with Bathsheba and murdered Uriah, David didn’t try and give excuses about his act, but in the immediate next verse we read, he repented (2 Samuel 12: 13). In another instance when he counted the fighting men in Israel against the will of God, soon the Bible says that he was conscience stricken and said to the Lord, “I have sinned greatly in what I have done.”

Every time David messed up, his heart wept in repentance unlike his predecessor Saul who was quick to give excuses.

But I did obey the Lord (1 Samuel 15:20)…..was Saul’s song.

And David was worried about pleasing the Lord in situations when no one saw, nor no one knew (1 Samuel 26:12).

David knew how to weep

When I was reading the account of David, I was amazed at how many times David wept. If fact no other Bible hero’s account has so many scriptures on weeping like him.

David wept the most…( 1 Samuel 20: 41); David wept aloud ( 1 Samuel 30:4); Mourned and wept (1 Samuel 1: 12); wept aloud ( 2 Samuel 3:32); David wept ( 2 Samuel 12:22); wept very bitterly ( 2 Samuel 13: 36); He went weeping ( 2 Samuel 15: 30); he went over the gateway and wept ( 2 Samuel 18:33); cried out aloud ( 2 Samuel 19:4).

Of course, he wept for different reasons and in different situations but his heart was always sensitive to the convictions of God.

Untiring Pursuit

I was talking to a man of God and he had this to say, “David actually messed up more than any average man. So then it was not his acts that made him a man after God’s own heart. It should certainly be his desire to please God even after messing up. After God’s own heart surely then refers to the untiring pursuit after His heart.”

A broken heart and a contrite spirit are the key attributes of a God chaser, and he doesn’t get bogged down by his folly in seeking God’s heart but chooses to run after Him no matter what.

In the concluding post of this – After Your Heart series, I will share with you a vision that God showed me, which I am sure will encourage you.

Meanwhile you can share your views on my above post on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


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