A couple of days ago, as I was seeking God in prayer for direction, I began to thank Him for His faithfulness to me. As I recounted my blessings and how far He has brought me, my heart was overwhelmed and I couldn’t help but fall down on my face, in awe of His goodness.

Thankfulness – this is one area I really want to grow more and more in.

Recently my spiritual father Prophet Shyju Mathew made a profound statement.

He said: Lack of gratitude distorts your identity

That’s so powerful!

Self Worth

Indeed, a grateful heart is the sign of a rooted Christian.

I believe, the most simple way we can establish our self worth or identity in Christ, is by learning to be grateful to God.

You see, a healthy self worth comes from understanding the truth about ourselves. And, because we are made in the image and likeness of Him, the more we know God and are thankful to Him, the more we will know ourselves and be secure in who He created us to be.

Be intentional in our thanksgiving

Yes, you can pray about healing the sick, speaking in tongues, raising the dead, but before that you need to believe in who you are! And a good way to do that is by being intentional in giving thanks to God. This is especially needed for our generation that is more often than not complaining, grumbling or comparing themselves to others. Ouch!

Listen dear daughters of God, the more you know God, the more you will be thankful. That’s when the devil will not be able to trap you into insecurity, worry, jealousy or offence whether at your workplace, house or church. You will not be offended when your boss does not appreciate you or when your pastor does not make you a part of the worship team. A thankful person is one who knows who she is because she is secure in the love of God.

May you grow in your identity this year, more than ever before!

Author Kim D’souza


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