Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs are New Age trends that are finding great appeal to anxious youngsters who are spending too much time online, alone, thinking about themselves and what is going on in the world.
Question is: Are these solutions or gateway to deeper problems?
A little bit fun is okay or am I playing with fire?
This short, quick-read book will give you the telltale signs you will see in those who are hooked to Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs, and the Domino effect of what happens further.
Could there be something better than an astrological DNA?
You will find out in this book!
New Resource: For FREE for a limited time!
Soar Girls is giving away this resource for FREE for a week till Sept 7, following which the Ebook would be available for INR 199.
So go ahead and take advantage of our FREE download period!!
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