Hello readers, don’t miss reading this beautiful testimony of supernatural pregnancy and childbirth as shared our dear friend Sasha Singh from Bengaluru. Let this encourage you to believe what the Word of God says: With Him all things are possible! 

My journey of beautiful pregnancy began in October 2015. At this time I had only heard of supernatural pregnancies and childbirth. But Jesus had to personally show me what it really was!


Sasha and Robin Singh with their beautiful daughter Shiloh.

I started reading Kim’s book It’s Your Turn for a Beautiful Pregnancy’ soon after my marriage, and came across many testimonies of believer friends who had experienced God’s supernatural grace during their pregnancy. At that moment I prayed to God saying that even I want to experience something like this! I had also heard a lot of negative things from women concerning pregnancy, but I had a choice to make – to believe the Word or the world. Well, I chose to believe the goodness of my God!

Praise Jesus, throughout my nine months of pregnancy, I didn’t have to go through any symptoms or ‘pregnancy effects’ that normally a pregnant woman goes through. Together my husband and I believed and trusted the goodness of God in the minutest of things and He saw us through beautifully at every step. I must mention here that it is great to have a godly spouse beside you in your biggest hour of need. My husband was my biggest support in everything. He would continually pray for me and the baby and encourage me through God’s Word.

Baby out!

Soon, I was in my ninth month of pregnancy. One day my water bag broke and I was rushed to the hospital. Since this was my first pregnancy, as is prevalent commonly, my gynaecologist was sure that it would take many long hours for me to deliver.

My contractions had started but they were painless, which made my gynaecologist more sure that my case is ‘not gonna be quick or easy’. But when she last examined me, she noticed that I had started dilating very fast.

Since I was not getting any pain, I was induced. All the hospital staff was sure that it would take not less than 12-15 hours for my baby to come out. But praise God, within no time I had completely dilated and was ready to deliver! The hospital staff wasn’t ready as they didn’t expect things to turn around so soon. My gynecologist was not present in my room at this moment, and so all the junior doctors kept stopping me from pushing. I was urged not to push and finally when my gynaecologist arrived, my baby was out in 15 mins!!!

If you’re thinking all this must have taken many long hours, let me give you the good news: All this happened in a span of just two and a half hours! Now isn’t that a miracle?

God blessed us with a beautiful and healthy baby girl and we named her ‘Shiloh’, meaning peace. Hallelujah!

We serve a good good father

The God we serve is a good good father who delights in our well being (Psalms 35:27) and when He blesses, He adds no sorrow to it (Proverbs 10:22).

As children of God, we have been set free from every pain and curse through the finished work of Jesus on the cross. It is now for us to renew our minds and believe God’s Word for every situation we face in our lives, especially pregnancy.

We no longer have to be locked up under the consequences of this fallen world for faith has been revealed. All God’s promises can now be ours, as the Bible says in (Galatians 3:22), “so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who Believe“.

The Bible also says, (2 Peter 1:3-4) that we can partake in the divine nature and escape the corruption of this present world through the precious promises of our Lord Jesus.

All Glory to Jesus!

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