Recently we received the below query from a girl. We thought of sharing it as a blogpost for the benefit of other girls who may have similar questions. Hope this helps!

I would like to share a problem /confusion in which I am stuck since the last 4 years but did not get the solution till now. In 2016, I came across a boy through a matrimony site. We liked each other a lot. He and his sister’s family came to my house. However after this, he began making excuses regarding marrying me. This continued for 2 years. Then I thought he doesn’t want to get married to me and I blocked him from everywhere. Again, he came to my place begging me not to leave him. I gave him a chance again, but today it has been 4 years. My situation is the same. What is God’s will, I can’t understand?
– Ankita Singh (name changed for privacy)

Identity in Christ

Sharing below our response to her situation.

It always excites us to hear someone seek the will of God in their circumstance. We can imagine the amount of unrest this situation must have caused you over the years. And this is definitely not the way God works.

From your description, it is very evident that the boy shows signs of instability.

The word of God says, A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways (Jam 1:8).

If he is unsure of marrying you, pick up the hint and beware. He is clearly taking advantage of you considering the fact that you have got emotionally connected with him. Please download this book on – Breaking Free from unhealthy soul ties, and read:

And, be encouraged dear friend, until God your father is on the throne your future is not uncertain. Put your trust in God, His choice and His thoughts are always a better option to choose.

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