One morning, I sat down to spend time in God’s presence. I took a glass of warm water with me and took a sip of it. It was not hot but warm, almost cold. I could barely gulp it down my throat, and I thought to myself- water at this temperature doesn’t taste good.

And I sensed the Lord say, “That’s how I hate lukewarmness”.

“So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”
(Revelation 3:16)

walk daily

What does it mean to be a Lukewarm Christian?

A believer who does things out of religion is a lukewarm believer. From the above verses, it is clear that God hates this characteristic in His children.

When you read the Word to put a tick on your to-do list..

When you attend church on Sundays just so you don’t go to hell..

When praising and worshipping God becomes a mere activity or entertainment..

When prayer becomes selfish and self-centered..

When serving in the church becomes all about looking like a good believer in the eyes of man..

When there is no more joy in giving, but it is done simply out of fear of judgment or out of duty..

Then, religion is born, and lukewarmness takes birth.

The Lord hates lukewarmness. No matter how good a believer we portray ourselves on the outside, the Lord tests our hearts and minds (Psalm 7:9).

How to Overcome Lukewarmness

Most believers, at some point, will encounter lukewarmness in their spiritual journey. Many times I have found myself in a lukewarm state. What is important is that we don’t settle with it, but get up and rekindle our fire for God. Many start on fire for God, but few keep it burning. To keep our fire for God burning requires us to be intentional in our walk with God daily.

We must understand that Christian life is not about how right we do things on the outside. Instead, it is about how right our heart is with God.

“Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?”(Galatians 3:3)

The way not to allow lukewarmness to overcome us is by renewing our relationship with Jesus every day. It is all about our relationship with Jesus; everything gets birthed out of that relationship with the Lover of our souls.

When we first came to Christ, isn’t that how it was? We praised Him and worshipped Him out of our love for Him, and we didn’t care if we seemed foolish to the world. We spent time in His presence out of love. We gave out of joy. God desires for us to remain in that first love that we had for Him. (Revelation 2:4-5)

Many believers fail because they don’t get to know God beyond their point of salvation. They settle with the testimony of how they got saved. But what they don’t realise is that being saved is just the beginning.

There is so much more to God, and how can we know Him more unless we build our relationship with Him more, and that too every day? There is so much more to Him than the encounters you have had with Him till today. He is more beautiful and more interesting than anything or anyone you will ever come across.

Dear sister, if you have become lukewarm in your spiritual journey, I encourage you to rekindle your relationship with Jesus through Word and prayer, and being connected to a spirit-led church that will help you grow spiritually. Let us be like the five wise virgins keeping our lamps trimmed and burning bright for Jesus. He is coming soon.


Ria Jobin

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