Do you remember your first day of your college or work? How did it go? How easy or difficult it was for you to connect to new people around you? It’s quite natural to look for “friends” so we can “belong somewhere.” We try to dress like them, talk like them, act like them, share the same interests they share and spend a lot of time with them.

I remember in my college days I would go to the extreme of spending all my time with my friends, so much so that I would not study. I was always trying to be like them so that I might “fit in”.

To be honest, everyone among us looks for acceptance.

And, the biggest lie of the enemy till today is that ‘you are not accepted’.


The enemy will make you believe that you are not accepted in your family, friend circle, office, community, also last to last even church! “See, you are weird” “You are the black sheep of the family” “How are you not like your friends?” are some of the words that you may be hearing.

Looking For Acceptance

In my school there was a girl who was very beautiful and loving. She tried hard to fit in with the girls around her, but somehow was unable to. So, she made friendship with boys because she reasoned that if she didn’t get accepted by the girl gang, the boys were her only company. The girl later ended up dating boys one after the other.
She looked for acceptance in the wrong places and that led to several heart breaks.

The big trap is when we go looking for acceptance from people rather than God. And that’s when people take advantage of you and start manipulating you.

Know Your God. And you’ll know where you belong!

If only we know what God says about us and that we are fully accepted and loved by Him, it will solve all our problems!

In the book ‘Girl’s Here’s What You Never Knew…‘ we share how when a daughter of God does not know her identity, she is like an orphan who doesn’t know that her Father is a King, and that she has a royal bloodline. So, she lives her life with a poor-old-me mentality, running everywhere for acceptance, without knowing the riches of her inheritance.

(Hey, btw in afore mentioned book ‘Girl’s Here’s What You Never Knew…‘ we talk in depth about issues girls like you face. Have you read a copy? If not, reply to his mail, and we will be happy to email you a free ecopy).

Beloved, God is our Father. And He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross and took our place now we are accepted in the beloved.

Death ruled like a king because Adam had sinned. But that cannot compare with what Jesus Christ has done. God has treated us with undeserved grace, and he has accepted us because of Jesus. And so we will live and rule like kings (Rom 5:17 CEV)

Wow! You are bought for a price!

You belong to the Lord our God and you are a daughter of the Most High God!

You are a queen and a rightful heir to God’s promises

A queen may not have many friends but she has the king’s heart! Do you know from the day you have been in the your mother’s womb God already knew you? The Bible says ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’ ( Jer 1:5 )

Girls who know they are set apart by the Lord are those who cannot be messed with!

When you know who you are and whose you are, you won’t feel the need to be accepted by people.
Today as you go about your day know that the Lord is with you and He is your King who accepts you just the way you are. He will never leave you nor forsake you. (Heb 13:5)

Also, about the girl I shared before, her story changed when she met the Lord Jesus and accepted Him as her Saviour. She started walking in the fear of the Lord and focused on pleasing Him in her singlehood. And sure enough, at the right time, God brought her the man he had kept for her and now they are happily engaged to be married.


Alisha Jose

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