Drumroll please!!! We are so happy to release the audio book Girl’s Here’s What You Never Knew…The audio book is out on all major platforms including audiobooks.com and G
But all subscribers of this blog, get the audio link for Free. So what are you waiting for?
Try Something New … What if I fail?
By Sheryl Gadre
This audio book is very close to my heart, because it is my first project as a narrator!
Let me share with you my story of God’s grace.
Since childhood, I have dreaded to read aloud to a crowd. The handful of times I had tried, I admit the experience was unpleasant. In nervousness, the letters in my book seemed jumbled leaving me struggling and stammering. As though that was not enough, I had started to dislike my voice, as many people had hinted that I was nasal.
Years passed by, still felt the same about reading aloud – never wanted to do it.
At the start of 2020, I remember hearing my spiritual mother encouraging us saying: We should try and do everything we fear we can’t do, and achieve victory in it. Because unless we move beyond our comfort zones, we will never be able to experience the grace of God in those areas.
Face your fears and conquer
At the time my spiritual parents Pastors Derrick and Kim encouraged me to convert their blog posts into podcasts.
And so, I entered the world of podcasting with zero broadcasting experience, and not to forget my “nasal voice”.
The Bible says in Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This verse became my truth while I was learning and preparing for this.
I was determined to overcome this fear by being intentional – reading about podcast hosts, recordings systems, audio editing platforms and voice modulation exercises.
Over the few months while I was doing my best to improve my voice; God was working inside of me, changing my heart. The Lord told me He was ready to use me, if I was available and willing to commit to serve His people.
I realized that God did not need my voice to be perfect, he only needed me to be committed to serve.
And as I started accepting that, my focus moved from me and my fears to serving and being a blessing to many.
Voila! Soon we launched our Pursue Him Audio Podcast last year in July. Click HERE to check out our episodes in case you haven’t already. Our episodes are short (mostly less than 10 minutes) and cover topics related to Christian Walk, Leadership, Marriage, etc.
You will be amazed to know that recently we hit a century, with 100 episodes already published!
Rise up & Do it
Girls, if the Holy Spirit is nudging you to do something, but you are scared because you think you will fail or you will not be good at it. Let me encourage you “Rise up & Do it”. Don’t wait to attain perfection in order to start, but start anyways!
In every step of the way depending on the Holy Spirit, He will take you from one victory to the other. And alongside, continually build your skills, learn, practice and repeat.
I was never interested in technology, could not even imagine “audio editing”. Today, I love editing audio and the creativity you can bring to the table through audio.
Feeling Inspired?
I look forward to seeing you pick a skill and overcome your fears. Mail me back here and I would love to cheer for you.
Till we meet again, remember: You are unstoppable in Christ!
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