Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs (NEW BOOK ALERT 🔔📢🎉)

Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs (NEW BOOK ALERT 🔔📢🎉)

Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs are New Age trends that are finding great appeal to anxious youngsters who are spending too much time online, alone, thinking about themselves and what is going on in the world.

Tarot Cards

Question is: Are these solutions or gateway to deeper problems?

A little bit fun is okay or am I playing with fire?

This short, quick-read book will give you the telltale signs you will see in those who are hooked to Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs, and the Domino effect of what happens further.

Could there be something better than an astrological DNA?

You will find out in this book!

New Resource: For FREE for a limited time!

Soar Girls is giving away this resource for FREE for a week till Sept 7, following which the Ebook would be available for INR 199.

So go ahead and take advantage of our FREE download period!!

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Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs

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How To Raise Your Self Worth – Easy & Practical Way

How To Raise Your Self Worth – Easy & Practical Way

A couple of days ago, as I was seeking God in prayer for direction, I began to thank Him for His faithfulness to me. As I recounted my blessings and how far He has brought me, my heart was overwhelmed and I couldn’t help but fall down on my face, in awe of His goodness.

Thankfulness – this is one area I really want to grow more and more in.

Recently my spiritual father Prophet Shyju Mathew made a profound statement.

He said: Lack of gratitude distorts your identity

That’s so powerful!

Self Worth

Indeed, a grateful heart is the sign of a rooted Christian.

I believe, the most simple way we can establish our self worth or identity in Christ, is by learning to be grateful to God.

You see, a healthy self worth comes from understanding the truth about ourselves. And, because we are made in the image and likeness of Him, the more we know God and are thankful to Him, the more we will know ourselves and be secure in who He created us to be.

Be intentional in our thanksgiving

Yes, you can pray about healing the sick, speaking in tongues, raising the dead, but before that you need to believe in who you are! And a good way to do that is by being intentional in giving thanks to God. This is especially needed for our generation that is more often than not complaining, grumbling or comparing themselves to others. Ouch!

Listen dear daughters of God, the more you know God, the more you will be thankful. That’s when the devil will not be able to trap you into insecurity, worry, jealousy or offence whether at your workplace, house or church. You will not be offended when your boss does not appreciate you or when your pastor does not make you a part of the worship team. A thankful person is one who knows who she is because she is secure in the love of God.

May you grow in your identity this year, more than ever before!

Author Kim D’souza


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Overtaking Cities: Keys to Pray for Our City!

Overtaking Cities: Keys to Pray for Our City!

“And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace.”Jeremiah 29:7

The Bible gives us examples of powerful women of prayer, such as Anna, the prophetess, who never left the Temple and devoted herself to fasting and prayer day and night (Luke 2:36-38). Another remarkable woman is Queen Esther. When her people faced a grave threat, she called for a three-day fast before approaching the king to intercede on their behalf (Esther 4:15).

Even to this day, untoward incidents in our cities can be averted if the people of God stand in the gap and pray.

Recently violence broke out in a particular state in my nation. People from that region were sharing how helpless, anxious, unheard and stressed out they felt.

It made me reflect on how amid all the chaos around us, we have a God who has promised to give us a peace that surpasses every understanding.

The question is, how do we pray for our cities and nations of the world effectively that stops the enemy in its tracks? In this post, I want to share with you some keys from the Bible that we can use to pray efficiently.


1/ It is God’s will that we pray for our cities

God demonstrated His deep concern for a city that lacked understanding, as expressed in Jonah 4:11, “Should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?” This passage showcases God’s compassion and affection for humanity, which ultimately led Him to offer His only Son.

2/ Pray without ceasing

Prayer should never be our last resort. The word of God says, “O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord.” (Isaiah 62:6)

As I heard Prophet Shyju Mathew once share, certain things are allowed inside a city because no watchmen are found on the walls to block it and take it down.

3/ Pray from a position of faith

We should approach prayer with unwavering faith from a place of victory and not helplessness.

Recently my spiritual father, Pastor Derrick D’Souza, shared from the life of Caleb. He said the reason why Caleb and Joshua in the Bible came with a different report when they went to spy the land of Canaan was because their spirits were developed.

We must nurture our spirits through the Word of God and by being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

4/ Praise as a weapon

Praise is a powerful weapon in our hands. When we lift our voices in worship and adoration, we declare the goodness and power of God over our cities.

5/ Binding and loosing

Jesus said in Matthew 18:18,Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Through prayer, we have the authority to bind the works of darkness and loose the purposes and plans of God in our cities.

6/ Fast for breakthrough

Fasting is a game-changer. I remember, once, a major event took place in my state and violence was expected to break out, putting many lives in danger.

That time the Lord instructed me to fast for seven days and pray for my city. As I obeyed the Lord, the peace of God came over the city, and the enemy’s tactics were foiled. That’s the power of fasting and praying.

7/ Build Altars

Recently, my spiritual father shared that if you care for a city, then you must build an altar. By making an offering, we give the Lord something to work with. When we raise an altar unto the Lord, it becomes a gateway to Heaven. The altars that we build today can speak for generations.

As daughters of the Most High God, when we   to intercede and pray for our city , we shall see ruined cities repaired, nations restored and healed. Amen!


Nadia Feroz




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Surrender: Does It Mean to Give up ?

Surrender: Does It Mean to Give up ?

“You must surrender your life to God”. You may have heard this in your church more than once.

 Every time I would hear the word “surrender” from the pulpit, it would disappoint me. To me, it meant I had to give up on my dreams and desires. I would tell myself to stop meditating on it and that I would deal with it when and if God wants me to.

 This made me unhappy, and I would struggle daily to surrender my dreams and desires to God.

 Do you feel the same?

 Do you also struggle with the thought of surrendering?


I think it is not so much “the surrender” but the thought of “giving up” that we fear. Giving up your dreams and desires means giving up hope that it will ever happen.

Surrendering to God is not a sign of weakness but rather a profound act of trust and faith in our good God.

Yes, our good God.

My spiritual mother, Pastor Kim Dsouza, has convinced me from the Word of God that our God is good. Now, if I think I will have to give up on my dreams, that means my God is not a good God. He will take away and not give it back to me.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

The secret to easy surrender is knowing the God you are surrendering to has plans to prosper, bless you, and give you the best future you could ever imagine.


1.   Build Your Trust in God

Build your trust in God by recounting all the good things you have in your life, big and small. Bring to remembrance all the answered prayers and testimonies of your life. When you trust God, God’s plans become your plans. And one thing I am convinced of is that God’s plan for you and me is bigger and better.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5-6

“Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things He does for me.” Psalm 103:2


2.   Cultivate Humility

Work towards humbling yourself by reminding yourself daily that you need God. Not only in difficult times but in everything you do. Is it not better to work with a mighty God rather than work on your own? As you humble yourself, you will let God work in your life.

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7

Once we develop trust in God and humble ourselves, surrender will be easy. It will no longer be about giving up but a beautiful act of faith and trust in God for your future.

Today accept the invitation to surrender your plans and dreams to God and see Him change it to a bigger purpose.



Sheryl Gadre

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Wanna be God’s Best Friend? (Audio – 8 min)

Wanna be God’s Best Friend? (Audio – 8 min)

GOD – Not only is HE Almighty, but HE is also your Father.

Not only is HE your Father but HE also desires to be your closest friend.

And further have you ever thought: God passionately wants YOU as HIS friend!!!

Wow, isn’t that mind boggling?

Here’s the thing: All of God’s children have unlimited and unbiased access to Him, but the proximity at which we are with Him is completely determined by us. Here are 3 keys to God’s friendship by Pastor Kim Dsouza.

God's Friend


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