▪ Even though he was God, He allowed himself to become nothing.
▪ He allowed His body to be broken and marred beyond recognition
▪ He allowed Himself to be mocked at, spat at, laughed at.
▪ He allowed Himself to be naked before men and suffer shame.
And He did it for you and me. So we can have a life and life in abundance (John 10:10).


Now what makes you believe that…

  • The God who died for you allowed death of your loved one?
  • He who suffered for your sake allowed suffering to come in your life? (May be so suffering and pain can “teach” you something?)
  • What makes you believe that He who paid the price for your healing with His blood, allowed sickness and trauma to come to you.

God says in Jeremiah 29:11, I know the thoughts that I think toward you. Plans to prosper you and to bring you into a future and a hope.

God is good and whatever He does is good (Psalm 119:68)

And there is one thing I will not allow, God says, in Psalm 89:33-35, I will not allow My faithfulness towards you to fail.

So who allows suffering, sickness?

You can create the world around you with your words. The power of life and death is in your tongue (Proverbs 18:21).

According to 1 Peter 3:10 ( NLT), “If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies.

It is a messed up idea about who your God is, that allows the devil to steal, kill and destroy.

Beloved, may your eyes be opened. Don’t allow what Jesus paid for!

Author Kim D’souza

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