The Vomit Vision That Stopped Me 🤢

The Vomit Vision That Stopped Me 🤢

Have you ever found yourself repeating the same mistakes over and over, or doing something wrong repeatedly.

Even if you decided in your head you would never do it again and you know it’s wrong but somehow you still end up doing the same.

It could be a bad thought, a wrong act, bad words, an addiction like porn, smoking, etc.

If you feel bad and guilty, recently we shared an article on
3 Truths To Cling To On The Worst Day Of Your Life. Give it a read, but here I will tell you my story of how I overcame.

Vomit Vision,Vision from God,Hearing God

The Vision That Got Me To Stop

When I was in sin, all of me knew that I must not do it. I felt extremely terrible after I had done it and later would go and ask forgiveness from Jesus.

I was bound and it was in an unending cycle. But one day as I was reading the Bible, this scripture stood out to me: Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly (sin/foolishness). (Pro 26:11 ESV)

This Word opened my eyes and had the power to show how wrong my actions were and how misguided my heart was. Now every time I would do the same wrong , I would see a picture of myself like a dog eating my own vomit.

Ewwwe! I know. But this vision made me so fed up that I ran to God and cried out for His help to overcome it.

And God did!

Can’t Do It Alone!

God doesn’t want you to depend on yourself to overcome but depend on Him.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. (2 Cor 12:9)

God knows your weaknesses. He will carry you in this journey of overcoming wrong, addiction or bad habit as long as you surrender and lean on Him and say ‘God no more I but you who lives in me.’ (Gal 2:20)

Let go and let God take over you. Let Him have all of you, today!

Read Psalms 101:1-7 and speak it out loudly. Do it over a few days with your heart attentive to every Word and see the Word of God transform you.

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10 Guarantees of Trusting God( FREE PDF)

10 Guarantees of Trusting God( FREE PDF)

God knows our beginning and our end, that means He knows what we are going through and what we will go through. He is the best guide to have to help us navigate our life’s ups and lows. The Bible says “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put your confidence in men.” (Psalm 118:8).

Below is a poster created by our team especially for you to remind you of ten guarantees of trusting God. Go ahead, share it with your friends or print it out and paste it on your walls as a reminder!

Trust God,Trusting God,He Knows the best.

This season may your trust be strengthened in Him!

Click Below to get a high resolution copy for printing. Do send us a picture if you have stuck it on your wall. We would love to share it on our Instagram handle @soar.girls , as our story or post.

Hey, and don’t forget to tag us!

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10 Powerful Declarations To Start Your Day

10 Powerful Declarations To Start Your Day

power of word,Word,Power of  spoken word,Declare the Word

Hello Girl,

God’s Word on our lips is powerful! Many times we know the Word of God, but we fail to declare it out loud. The Bible says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Pro 18:21). So, always good to keep a list of declarations handy. In case, you don’t have one and don’t know where to start, this post is for you 🙂

Below are 10 powerful truths you can declare out loud daily.

  • I am loved unconditionally by God, and I am here to fulfil His purpose for my life.
  • I am what God says I am – Unique, Valued and Accepted
  • I am intentional about the way I live, walking in His ways, pleasing God and not man.
  • I am a carrier of God’s presence and I am worthy of being pursued and honored for more than my physical attributes
  • I am led by Holy Spirit and not my emotions.
  • I am a woman of character and virtuous in all I do
  • I walk in my Father’s Authority; healing the sick, casting out demons and raising the dead.
  • I operate in God’s love and carry my cross daily. Freely I have received, freely I give.
  • I excel in all that I do, whatever big or small because everything I do, I do it for Jesus.
  • I am humble at all times, for without Him, I can do nothing.

Free Gift: Printable Bookmarks

PS: Good news!! If you are like us and like to stick notes or reminders around, we have a free printable version of these declarations which you can print and stick on your walls or use as a bookmark. Sign up to get them!


Declaration of positive words, Gods Word

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