A Love Poem To The Lord

A Love Poem To The Lord

One of the best ways to deal with painful moments in your life is to convert it into praise. The Bible says in Psalm 149:1, “Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise in the assembly of saints.”

During one such moment, my heart began to sing a new song and I penned it down. If you are going through a painful moment in your life, I pray this poem will encourage you.

Favour YT


Each and every day I be
My heart is closely calling me
With all the time passing by
Jesus I keep on You my eyes

In Your presence I want to weep and cry,
And receive the Word faithfully by
Your Blood has washed me cleansed me through
Your sacrifice on the cross has brought me through
And I oh Daddy today remember You

Oh Holy Spirit You guide my way
With me oh You always stay
I thank You with all my heart
Each new day with You I start

Father your living Word makes me
What I really should be
Prayer increases intimacy with You
Like a child I want to draw close to You

The works of a shepherd and shield in my life You do
Oh Daddy Jesus I love you!

A daughter to You I will always be
This identity in my life will always lift me

I thank You Lord for all and
I trust You, You will never let me fall

This is what my heart says to You
The way You love nobody can ever do…..


Khushi Khatri, India (Guest post)


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The One Friend You Cannot Afford to Miss

The One Friend You Cannot Afford to Miss

Friends that you need in life

In your friends circle, I am sure you will find different kinds of friends.

There would be a friend who will know all your weaknesses and secrets.

There would be a friend who will have similar hobbies and likes like yours.

Then there are office friends, college friends and school friends.

But there is one kind of friend that you cannot afford to miss. “I got a word for you” friend. Because this kind of friend will come to you at a time when you have a need (and probably nobody knows), and say, ” I got a word for you”.

Cherish this friend!

Because this is a friend who is praying for you, and talking to God about you. She will bring a Word from the Lord for you, which will be able to sustain you in the season you are going through.

In the Old testament we read about Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were always together in standing for the Lord in every challenge that they faced. When the king of Babylon had a dream and no one could interpret, he issued a decree to put all the wise men to death. When Daniel comes to know about this, he returns to his house and explains the matter to his friends. He urges them to pray for it and during the night the mystery gets revealed to Daniel in a vision. (Daniel 2:17-19).

After Daniel interprets the dream for the king and he is bestowed with honour and royal goodies, he gives the king a recommendation to make his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in charge of all the affairs of the province of Babylon.(Daniel 2:49)

This is such a beautiful example of godly friendships.

A friend who runs behind Jesus

I am not talking about someone who fakes religion, but who genuinely loves Jesus and is walking with Him, like Daniel and his friends.

This friend will encourage you to run behind Jesus. This friend will not put your fire off, but stir you up to walk in God’s ways.

This friend will not be scared to confront you when you are going wrong, like Prophet Nathan who confronted his friend David when David committed adultery and was going in the wrong direction.

Do you have a friend like this? If yes, how about sharing this post to that friend and thanking her. If not, you become that kind of friend for someone, and God will bring one for you 🙂

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A boy who has kept me waiting

A boy who has kept me waiting

Recently we received the below query from a girl. We thought of sharing it as a blogpost for the benefit of other girls who may have similar questions. Hope this helps!

I would like to share a problem /confusion in which I am stuck since the last 4 years but did not get the solution till now. In 2016, I came across a boy through a matrimony site. We liked each other a lot. He and his sister’s family came to my house. However after this, he began making excuses regarding marrying me. This continued for 2 years. Then I thought he doesn’t want to get married to me and I blocked him from everywhere. Again, he came to my place begging me not to leave him. I gave him a chance again, but today it has been 4 years. My situation is the same. What is God’s will, I can’t understand?
– Ankita Singh (name changed for privacy)

Identity in Christ

Sharing below our response to her situation.

It always excites us to hear someone seek the will of God in their circumstance. We can imagine the amount of unrest this situation must have caused you over the years. And this is definitely not the way God works.

From your description, it is very evident that the boy shows signs of instability.

The word of God says, A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways (Jam 1:8).

If he is unsure of marrying you, pick up the hint and beware. He is clearly taking advantage of you considering the fact that you have got emotionally connected with him. Please download this book on – Breaking Free from unhealthy soul ties, and read: https://soargirls.com/soulties/

And, be encouraged dear friend, until God your father is on the throne your future is not uncertain. Put your trust in God, His choice and His thoughts are always a better option to choose.

Hey there, in case you missed it, we are having a worldwide GIVEAWAY on instagram @soar.girls page. Hurry! just 2 days left until it ends! Click Here to participate and stand a chance to win!

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GiveAway!!! Prophetic Art, Natural Skin Products and more…

GiveAway!!! Prophetic Art, Natural Skin Products and more…

Identity in Christ

Happy Galentine’s Day!! Yes, you heard it right. Somebody sent us a message that while Feb 14 is celebrated as Valentine’s Day, Feb 13 is Galentine’s Day, a day to recognize the impact that our girl friends have on our lives and thank them for their steadfast loyalty, love, and laughter.

So, we want to say to you, no matter which part of the world you are in, we celebrate you. Well, not because Ms.Galentine says so, but because you are uniquely created and cherished by our Father in heaven. And we thought of doing a JUST LIKE THAT GIVEAWAY for you, because we don’t need a special occasion to celebrate you!!

We are giving away Super Cool Dead Sea Products by Ahava + Soar Painting by God’s Fingerprint and a colour copy of the ebook: Girls, Here’s What You Never Knew


For Giveaway rules and other information, head to our IG Giveaway Post HERE
And don’t forget to share the post with your friends and wish them Happy Galentine’s Day from us 🙂

Keep Soaring!
Team Soar

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