Shhh….Secret Sins? Your Quickest Way to Breakthrough

Shhh….Secret Sins? Your Quickest Way to Breakthrough

January 22, 2019

Shhh….Secret Sins? Your Quickest Way to Breakthrough

By Kim D’souza

    By Pastor Kim D’souza

Jeremiah, our six year old is a very sweet and helpful boy. He does a commendable job of tidying the house when I ask him to. But sometimes when he is not in a mood to help, he smartly shoves things out of place where my eyes cannot catch. So while the house does look clean, it is only matter of time before I find all things falling out from the hidden corners.

Many of us in our Christian life have a similar attitude. There are so many so called believers in the church who are shouting God’s praises from the outside but are hiding their struggles and temptations. They are broken and condemned from the inside and wondering why God’s plans are not working for them. And its only a matter of time before things start falling apart.

But never forget this – What you hide has power over your life.

The devil wants you to conceal things – whether it is lust, pornography, addictions, fears, depressing thoughts etc, and he will bring you reasons like shame, fear, guilt to keep you from exposing it.

John 3:20 says, Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

When Adam and Eve sinned, the first thing they did was that they hid themselves from the presence of God. But it was God who came searching for them. Similarly when Cain murdered Abel, it was God who initiated a conversation with him, even as Cain tried to hide the facts and act as if nothing has happened.

Hide nothing from God, HE knows it all.

If you are fed up with the way you are living and want a breakthrough in your life, the quickest way to get it is by exposing your struggles to God.

David wrote in Psalm 32:3-5When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy on me;
 my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer. Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” 
And you forgave the guilt of my sin.

David committed the sin of adultery with Bathsheba and schemed the murder of her husband Uriah. And God told him, What you did in secret, you will face the consequences of it in daylight before all Israel (2 Samuel 12:12). But we read in the next verse, David asks for forgiveness and IMMEDIATELY God forgives him!

If you are struggling with ‘secret sins’ and genuinely are hungering for a breakthrough in your life, here is what you can do.

1. Expose your struggles before God. Openly and loudly confess them. You see, the devil is not interested in just playing hide and seek with you. He has only one agenda and that is to knock you out of God’s plan for your life and to completely destroy you and the lives that are connected to you. So run to God, who is merciful, compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. And once you bring your weaknesses under the blood of Jesus, it is covered. Don’t entertain any feelings of guilt or condemnation and don’t look at your past.

2. Share your struggles with a same-sex mentor, pastor or someone who is mature in the Lord, who can pray with you and guide you. The Bible says confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed (James 5:16). This person should be filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word and living a life glorifying Jesus. Also, don’t assume that your pastor or prophet should know what you are going through and offer help. People are not God, instead you make time and reach out to them.

3. Hide God’s Word in your heart: If there is one thing God is asking us to hide, it is not our sins, but His Word. David says in Psalms 119: 11, I have hidden you Word in my heart that I might not sin against thee! God’s Word is light. And this Word will keep us away from sin. Pick up Scriptures that deal with your problem and start meditating upon them. Spend time with God’s Word and let it not depart from your mouth.

4. Run away from small temptations that you think cannot trap you. It is these ”small things” that we think we have control over, that can make us fall in the long run. Stay alert, your enemy, the devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. And above all guard your heart. Also very important, guard your eyes for the eye is the lamp of the body (Matthew 6:22).

5. Don’t cut away from fellowshipping with the people in your church. This is what the devil will want you to do – to run away from God, from men of God and people in the church. Don’t compare yourself to others and thus feel condemned. None of us is perfect, but God has created us to be fellowship beings. The Bible says, And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near (Hebrews 10:25).

Has God spoken to you? Is there anything hidden in your life that is worrying you? Remember the key to your breakthrough is not in hiding but in exposing it.

for guest writers. text will come here

Brokenness without Jesus

Brokenness without Jesus

JULY 10, 2018

Brokenness without Jesus

By Kim D’souza

    By Pastor Kim D’souza

We often read and quote about Abraham and Sarah in the Bible, but there’s one more important character in their story whom we miss out. The story of the Egyptian slave Hagar in the Bible is a story of brokenness until she encounters the true and living God, “who sees her”.

As a young girl, one day Hagar finds herself given away as a slave to an Israelite childless couple. To be known as somebody’s slave is heart-breaking – no matter how rich, kind or God fearing your owners are. You have no freedom of action, no right, no will. And that was the beginning of Hagar’s brokenness.

Then one day Sarai, her mistress has an idea. She urges her husband Abram to lie down with Hagar. Suddenly this young beautiful girl finds herself next to a man, probably as old as her father.

And she gets broken further.

Soon the news is out – Hagar is pregnant. At this point I feel Hagar is fighting mixed emotions. She was broken because after all that she went through, she was still unsure of what the future holds for her and the unborn baby in her womb.

And she was in her moment of ‘success’ because she was able to bring forth what Sarai couldn’t after decades.

Genesis 16:4 says When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress.

Brokenness – Jesus = Bitterness

Another version says, when Hagar knew she was going to have a baby, she became proud and treated Sarai hatefully.

Here is what I want to draw your attention to.

Hagar was broken, but her brokenness was exclusive of God. You see, when Jesus is not a part of your brokenness, it becomes bitterness. Like it happened with Hagar, she became very bitter in her heart against Sarai and this overflowed in her actions towards her.

Similarly if Jesus is not a part of your success then there is every danger of pride creeping in. Hagar in her pride, reacted as the world would, and eventually she suffered the consequences of her behaviour.

But praise God, in His mercy, He rescued her and gave her a promise that still stands true today.

What does it mean?
No matter what season of life you are going through, invite Jesus into it. Cast your brokenness upon Jesus because He cares for you, like no one else. Share your heart to Him and allow His Word to seep through every crevice of pain and crack within you. And you will find that His grace will be sufficient for you. The Bible says that He is yet to deny a broken and a contrite heart.

Similarly yield your so called success to him. Always walk in humility and thankfulness and God will give you more grace, for He exalts those who are humble.
for guest writers. text will come here

Struggling with Menstrual Pain & Disorders? Break Free Now!

Struggling with Menstrual Pain & Disorders? Break Free Now!

MAY 24, 2018

Struggling with Menstrual Pain & Disorders? Break Free Now!

By Kim D’souza

    By Pastor Kim D’souza

I remember visiting my native place when I was in my pre-teen years. During this time, my mother and I went to visit a house nearby and as we were about to leave, I heard someone screaming in pain. This was not an ‘ordinary scream’ but almost as if someone was in intense labour pain. I ran in the direction of this cry, only to see a young girl slouching on a cot and weeping and screaming in pain. Later on, I came to know that she was suffering from menstruation cramps. I didn’t know much about menstruation at that time, but it definitely seemed to be a traumatic experience that I or any other girl could do without. Praise God, I never had to battle with any menstruation issues, but the reason I am led to share about this topic on our blog is because I sense it will set many of you, who are struggling, free!
Young women don’t talk openly about it, but statistics reveal that up to 80% of women report having some form of menstruation disorders including painful cramps, excessive bleeding, prolonged periods etc. If you are one of them, I believe God wants to heal you right now!  

…. And here’s the key

Your healing is hidden in the confession of your mouth

You need to confess what you need to get it

The Bible says in Job 22:28, You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you. First things first – While there may be things that you may not like about your period, not everything about it is negative. In fact, every cell and activity in our body is a testimony of God’s perfect work. As the Psalmist proclaims: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalms 139:13-14) Menstrual cycle is a beautiful way designed by God for the hormones in a woman’s body to remain balanced. Regular periods also provide vital information about the reproductive system, metabolic system, thyroid glands and bone health in one’s body. Medical experts say that when menstruation stops for longer than 90 days in the absence of pregnancy or breastfeeding, a medical evaluation should be taken as a number of health problems can occur. Wow! That makes me value my periods, rather than grumble about it. And what I value and appreciate- I don’t feel sad about it, nor do I feel fearful or condemned. Much of thinking with respect to menstruation is shaped by the media or the stories of women around us. And as you think in your heart, so shall it will be for you (Proverbs 23:7). We need to renew our mind with the Word of God and not think, say and act as the world does. As opposed to fear, pain, discomfort, inconvenience and ‘cleaning up’ mentality, I encourage you to value and bless your body during the menstrual cycle. Stop complaining or allowing your emotions to rule over you, rather fill your mouth with thanksgiving and praise. Instead of saying, “I am in my down days” or ” I am bound to feel depressed or emotional during my period”, declare loudly : Body, I bless you. Thank you, for you are working as God has meant you to. I am in my best days. I am happy and blessed! Say it out loud; say it like you mean it – with all your heart. And even as you do that by faith, you will see it happen in the natural. Your miracle is in your mouth! Even as I conclude, I want to pray with you..
In the name of Jesus, I command every menstrual disorder to leave your body right now. Pain – You are illegal in this body, which is purchased by the blood of Jesus. I command all the body parts to align and function in order as God intended to be. I cancel every negative word and self-imposed curse declared over your body related to menstruation in the name of Jesus. I thank you Jesus for this healing. In your precious name I pray. Amen.
Struggling? Come Walk With Me, Says Jesus

Struggling? Come Walk With Me, Says Jesus

February 28, 2018

Struggling? Come Walk With Me, Says Jesus

By Kim D’souza

    By Pastor Kim D’souza

Struggling with addictions? Weaknesses? Fighting wrong thoughts? Doing something that you know is wrong but you can’t seem to win over it?

I hear Jesus singing over you, “Come, walk with me.”

That’s all you and I got to do.

Don’t try to be good or perfect in order to reach Him. Instead go to Jesus just the way you are, and start spending time with Him.

In the book of Acts 4:13 we read, When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

The best walk in life – Walk with Jesus!

Peter and John were ordinary, undignified and smelly fishermen. Until one day they decided to drop their nets and walk with Jesus – spend time with Him, listen to Him, ask Him questions. It is in this process of being with Jesus, that their likeness changed! So much so that the world around them were astonished!

That’s exactly what you got to do right now. Start spending time with Jesus and His Word and as you do that, you will not have to strive to see a change in yourself, but His light in your life will cause all your addictions and struggles to fade.

I love this testimony of my husband – there was a time when Derrick was struggling with the addiction of smoking. There was a desire in him to change but no matter how hard he tried, he could not let it go. So he started spending more and more time with Jesus (sometimes even with a cigarette in hand!) And as he did that, the word of God became like fire in his bones, and one day his bondage broke, and he could no longer smoke again!

Wow, that’s the power of being in the company of Jesus.

“Come, walk with me,” Jesus is calling out to you. Would you hearken to His voice today?

My Testimony of Supernatural Pregnancy & Child Birth!

My Testimony of Supernatural Pregnancy & Child Birth!

Hello readers, don’t miss reading this beautiful testimony of supernatural pregnancy and childbirth as shared our dear friend Sasha Singh from Bengaluru. Let this encourage you to believe what the Word of God says: With Him all things are possible! 

My journey of beautiful pregnancy began in October 2015. At this time I had only heard of supernatural pregnancies and childbirth. But Jesus had to personally show me what it really was!


Sasha and Robin Singh with their beautiful daughter Shiloh.

I started reading Kim’s book It’s Your Turn for a Beautiful Pregnancy’ soon after my marriage, and came across many testimonies of believer friends who had experienced God’s supernatural grace during their pregnancy. At that moment I prayed to God saying that even I want to experience something like this! I had also heard a lot of negative things from women concerning pregnancy, but I had a choice to make – to believe the Word or the world. Well, I chose to believe the goodness of my God!

Praise Jesus, throughout my nine months of pregnancy, I didn’t have to go through any symptoms or ‘pregnancy effects’ that normally a pregnant woman goes through. Together my husband and I believed and trusted the goodness of God in the minutest of things and He saw us through beautifully at every step. I must mention here that it is great to have a godly spouse beside you in your biggest hour of need. My husband was my biggest support in everything. He would continually pray for me and the baby and encourage me through God’s Word.

Baby out!

Soon, I was in my ninth month of pregnancy. One day my water bag broke and I was rushed to the hospital. Since this was my first pregnancy, as is prevalent commonly, my gynaecologist was sure that it would take many long hours for me to deliver.

My contractions had started but they were painless, which made my gynaecologist more sure that my case is ‘not gonna be quick or easy’. But when she last examined me, she noticed that I had started dilating very fast.

Since I was not getting any pain, I was induced. All the hospital staff was sure that it would take not less than 12-15 hours for my baby to come out. But praise God, within no time I had completely dilated and was ready to deliver! The hospital staff wasn’t ready as they didn’t expect things to turn around so soon. My gynecologist was not present in my room at this moment, and so all the junior doctors kept stopping me from pushing. I was urged not to push and finally when my gynaecologist arrived, my baby was out in 15 mins!!!

If you’re thinking all this must have taken many long hours, let me give you the good news: All this happened in a span of just two and a half hours! Now isn’t that a miracle?

God blessed us with a beautiful and healthy baby girl and we named her ‘Shiloh’, meaning peace. Hallelujah!

We serve a good good father

The God we serve is a good good father who delights in our well being (Psalms 35:27) and when He blesses, He adds no sorrow to it (Proverbs 10:22).

As children of God, we have been set free from every pain and curse through the finished work of Jesus on the cross. It is now for us to renew our minds and believe God’s Word for every situation we face in our lives, especially pregnancy.

We no longer have to be locked up under the consequences of this fallen world for faith has been revealed. All God’s promises can now be ours, as the Bible says in (Galatians 3:22), “so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who Believe“.

The Bible also says, (2 Peter 1:3-4) that we can partake in the divine nature and escape the corruption of this present world through the precious promises of our Lord Jesus.

All Glory to Jesus!

6 Keys to Break the Temptation Trap (II)

6 Keys to Break the Temptation Trap (II)

This post is the continuation and the conclusion of our previous post on temptation. See Help!I am Getting Tempted to read the first part.

3. Guard your senses

The Bible says: Guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life and the easiest way to guard your heart is by guarding your senses. Your senses gateways to your mind. Ferociously guard what you see, hear, say etc. What music you listen to, what books, magazines or websites you flip through, what kind of movies you watch – for they all carry an influence. The question is: Is what I intake through my senses making me love Jesus more, read by Bible more, abstain from sexual sin and walk in holiness more? Or is it influencing me to think more about myself and my own fleshly desire for worldly and sensual validation?


4. Guard your Associations

Association births influence. So who do you associate yourself with a majority of your time? Do you surround yourself with friends who are mediocre in their thinking? Who are time wasters? Who enjoy indulging in the flesh? Well, what you tolerate, you encourage. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says: Bad company corrupts good character.

Avoid bad company and unbelieving friends, who are leading you astray from the call of God upon your life.

Instead have mentors and friends with whom you can be accountable with, who can pray with you and counsel you in the ways of the Lord. And do not neglect meeting together at church – Hebrews 10:25.

5. Know what’s at stake? 

Finally and most importantly, every time you get tempted ask yourself: What’s at stake?

Temptation always follows the Esau Syndrome – trading something that is of eternal worth in order to satisfy a short term appetite. )Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for a mere meal). Temptation will provide you with two choices. Sadly we often make the wrong choice because we look at the smaller picture, but there’s something bigger at stake.

So choose wisely.

Instead of choosing pornography, choose a healthy marriage.

Instead of choosing to throw junk and chemicals in your body, choose choose health. Choose life.

Instead of choosing worldly friends, choose your God destiny.

Instead of choosing temporary pleasures, choose to set your face like a flint towards your calling.

Remember what’s at stake.

