Why the Devil is After Your Secret Place

Why the Devil is After Your Secret Place

Ever wondered why the devil is after your secret place? Well, the devil has only one agenda for your life – to steal, kill and destroy. He was publicly shamed by Jesus and has lost every battle with God’s children.

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, Jesus made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross (Colossians 2:15).

And, that’s why his motive is to publicly shame the children of God. But because he is completely incapable of doing it, he tricks you into it.

Want to know how?

Well… He attacks your secret place.

secret place

So, what’s a secret place?

A secret place is your “Your time alone.”

Everybody has a secret place.

Now, the question is, what do you end up doing consistently when no one is watching and you are all alone by yourself? Scrolling through your social media? Watching images that you shouldn’t be watching? Indulging in habits that harm your body?

Remember who we give your secret time consistently to becomes the “god” of our secret place.

Here’s how the devil schemes to shame you

The Bible says in Luke 8:17For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all.

There is an important principle here – Who you are in public, is a result of your secret place.

In other words, what you do in your private life consistently is what will overflow into your public place. The fruits of what you sow in your secret will sooner or later show up in the public. What habits you build when no one is watching is the “real you” people will end up seeing.

Don’t give your secret place to the devil

The devil is happy as long as you are “alone” so he can fill your mind with the filth of the world and bring thoughts to you that tell you that you are not good enough, capable enough and loved enough.

But he is mortally scared when you are “alone with God”. Because that’s when you start becoming like Jesus and reflecting Him through your life. In intimacy is where things are birthed and in intimacy with the Holy Spirit is where God starts birthing His dreams and desires in the inside of you.

Jacob, when he was left alone with God, became Israel. When Daniel was alone with God, mysteries of heaven were revealed to him. When John was alone with God on the island of Patmos, he received revelation into what is to come. And, when Mary was alone with God, an angel appeared and gave her the good news of the Messiah that would be birthed through her.

How about giving the keys of your secret place to God?

How about using your secret place to fellowship with God? While everyone was busy doing wrong things in the secret, little boy Samuel gave his time to be with God, and the overflow of that was later seen in the public. The Bible says: Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. (1 Samuel 3:19)

Just as the devil intends to shame you publicly, God wants to reward you publicly. He is in your secret place and waits for you to invite Him into fellowshipping with you.

But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly
(Matthew 6:6).

I’m sure that these points have opened your eyes to see why the devil is after your secret place.

So, girls, don’t ignore your Father today! Don’t keep Him waiting. Give Him your Secret place.

Let’s start by making a commitment of spending 25 minutes with God daily. Are you in for #Secret25?

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2022 Calendar Freebie – Printable Themes

2022 Calendar Freebie – Printable Themes

Are you looking for a fun way to organize your computer desktop? Well, Stop looking! Because with this post, we are giving away our Soar 2022 Digital Calendar for Free! This 2022 calendar freebie has a word of encouragement for each month to remind you of your identity in Christ.

Click on the button below to download individual sheets for each month.

calender 2022

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Intimacy With God

Intimacy With God

One day my friend and I were having a conversation and I asked her, “What is eternal life?“Like everyone else, she answered that eternal life is about going to heaven. But that’s not what God says. The Word of God says in John 17:3And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. So is eternal life and intimacy with God connected? 

In the above verse, the word ‘know’ is the same word that was used in Genesis 4:1 – Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the Lord.” Also in Matthew 1:25 The word of God says “and knew her not until she had brought forth her firstborn Son. “

So, the word “know” meant intimacy! So eternal life with God means to have intimacy with God.

Intimacy With God

To Know God

When we have a new friend, we make sure to spend time with them until we get to know them completely. Many of us think that going to church once a week is the answer to knowing God. No, that’s not right. To know God, we must spend some personal time with Him every day. Like a small child who cannot be away from his mother.

When disciples asked Lord Jesus who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, Lord Jesus didn’t say a man who is self-made, or self-sufficient but the word of God says in Matthew 18:2-3,
Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

Little Children Or Adults

When God tells us to be little children, it doesn’t mean to act childish. A little child in front of God is one who trusts God and His Word no matter what the circumstances. A little child says papa God because you said it so will it be. And, a little child totally believes what the Father has to say without a doubt and depends on the Father for everything.

But how do I know God?

There’s no better way to know God than knowing His Word. Knowing the Word is knowing God. When you read the word, it is like you are having a conversation with God and getting to know His heart and mind on matters that concern you. Not only that, you get to know His promises for your life.

King David found most pleasure in spending time with God. He made sure to have ‘set apart’ time for God while being a King.

The word of God says “One thing I have desired of the Lord,
That will I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the Lord,
And to inquire in His temple.” Psalm 27:4

No wonder David was called a man after God’s heart. Besides having your new year resolutions this year, may it be your spiritual goal to seek God every day and know Him intimately. Like that one thing David desired, let it be our one desire to pursue Intimacy with God! Let us be known as women after God’s heart.


Alisha Jose

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God’s Promise for 2022 + Our Top Posts

God’s Promise for 2022 + Our Top Posts

It’s 2022 and you may have a list of goals and things to be done. You may feel intimidated by it and wonder how you will achieve and reach those goals. Well, there was Zerubabbel who felt the same and that’s when God spoke for Zerubbabel a promise. So, here’s God’s Promise to you for 2022.

Then he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain. And he shall bring forward the top stone amid shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’” Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also complete it. Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you. (Zec 4:6-9)

Whatever you have planned for His glory, God is so interested to do it with you by His Spirit in you! You shall complete it!

God's Promises for 2022

Last year we have had authors share on variety of topics, including relationships, friendships, shame, addiction, calling and identity.
Sharing with you our top 10 ten blogs in 2021

Why I Gave Up On Non-Christian Media?

Hours of your time spent on watching movies? A testimony of how she conquered her addiction and truths that will save your time!

Your God is a Shame-Breaker!

Struggling with shame? Something you did or some incident involving you that brings lot of shame and condemnation to your mind? Here are 5 truths from God’s Word, that will set you free.

The One Friend You Cannot Afford to Miss

There is one kind of friend you must have in your life and you definitely cannot afford to miss.

What If I Fail?

Fear of failing, hear her story how she overcame her fears and conquered.

Between My Promise and Promotion, Here’s What I Learned

Are you looking for your promotion? Hear her story as she waited on God for her promotion.

Girls, Is Masturbation Wrong?

Battling Masturbation? Here are few things you must know to overcome!

The Vomit Vision That Stopped Me

In a loop of sinning again and again. Here is how she overcame her sin and weakness.

10 Powerful Declarations To Start Your Day

Many times we know the Word of God, but we fail to declare it out loud. The Bible says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Pro 18:21). So, always good to keep a list of declarations handy.

Stop! Are You Compromising Your Destiny For Friends?

It is impossible to live a life that is unaffected by other people. Your association/friends can take you closer to your God destiny or far away from it.

Struggling with Menstrual Pain & Disorders? Break Free Now!

Know it is not God’s will for you to struggle with menstrual pain and receive your healing now!

So go ahead, girls, and check out in case you missed any of these posts. It will surely be a blessing to you! And don’t forget God’s promise for 2022…. Keep soaring in Christ.


Team Soar Girls

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Wohooo! Look how Soar Girls has blossomed this year!

Wohooo! Look how Soar Girls has blossomed this year!

Doesn’t it seem like 2021 went by quickly? So, tell us how the year fared for you? As for us, look at how Soar Girls has blossomed this year!

Well, we enjoyed connecting with you over these 12 months and are so thankful to God that distance didn’t separate us! It seemed just yesterday (Jan 13 to be precise) that we announced the Soar Girls blog for girls like you and over this period of 12 months by God’s grace we have seen this blog blossom into a full-fledged ministry!

We can’t thank God enough for what He has been doing. Here is a short video we made exclusively for you.

Soar Girls Blog!

We have published almost 50 blogs this year! Woah! Gives us immense pleasure to uplift you, encourage you, and lead you to your God given destiny and talk about day-to-day issues you may be facing.

Look at our Country-wise reach below:


Soar Girls Take OFF

We launched Soar Girls Take Off in October 2021 and conducted 5 sessions till date. We have heard many life changing testimonies with these meets. The last meeting of SGTO for 2021 by Author Kim D’Souza wrapped up with the tagline “Bye Jealous ’21”. It was a powerful time where many surrendered the thought of comparison with other women and killed jealousy in their hearts. Year 2022 is going to be all about focusing on our lives and calling by focusing on Jesus! Our next session will be on Jan 7th 2022 in the New Year, don’t miss out! WhatsApp us on +91 74004 08860 to get the zoom link.

Soar Girls Podcast

One of the biggest news for 2021 was the release of Soar Girls Podcast, hosted by Sheryl. Soar Girls Podcast is a bi-monthly podcast for young Christian women who want to use their gifts to glorify Jesus. Each episode, we host a conversation with a daughter of God who has been influencing the world with the light of Jesus. Know more here.

Other Resources


We published about 4 powerful Ebooks for you this year – Born Again? Congrats Girls! Now What? ; Six Powerful Keys To Overcome Temptation ; Girls, Break Free from Unhealthy Soulties and *Girls, Here’s What You Never Knew..* in Spanish and Hindi

This year we also released our very first audio book “Girls, Here’s What You Never Knew…” This audio book is out on all major platforms including audiobooks.com and Google Playstore. To get a Free copy, email us at [email protected]

Invitation to Partner With Us

If you have been blessed by the Soar Girls community and want to see us create a greater impact and reach out to more girls like you, you may consider sowing a seed.

Click on the button below:

Last, but not the least: We so want to thank you!

A big thank you to you for being a part of this Jesus loving community. It is such a pleasure to connect with you in this journey as we saw how Soar Girls blossomed this year and we hope your year was amazing too! Let us know what goals you achieved this year and we would like to celebrate with you!

We are ready and excited for the new year ahead! With Jesus we just know it’s going to be amazing! May 2022 be for you the year of soaring in Christ to a whole new level.

We love you!
Team Soar Girls

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Can a Girl & a Boy be “Just Friends” ?

Can a Girl & a Boy be “Just Friends” ?

Have you ever wondered that can a girl and boy be “Just Friends”? If yes, then read ahead.

So, God created man…. (Genesis 1:27)

Oh yes! 

 That means you can’t escape having boys around. 

 With that possibility obviously being ruled out, the question that rises now is: Can a girl and boy be Just Friends? 

 Personally, I have seen two kinds of girls. There are some who go overboard in their friendships with boys, while there are others (very few though) who are completely detached when it comes to opposite sex, and feel like fish out of water in their company. 



Coming back to the question again, can a girl be “just a friend” with a boy?

Yes! Of course

There is a beautiful balance that can be maintained between the two mentioned extremes. That balance comes with wisdom and maturity from the Word of God.

God honouring friendships can be cultivated with opposite sex when we keep our boundaries in place (Prov 4:23), have selfless motives and seek to honour God through our lives.

 First things first

First, be established in the fact that God loves you and His love is the only thing that can fix every vacuum in the crevices of your heart. The motive of your friendship should not be to please man or gain acceptance from a social circle, but to be secure in who you are and glorify God in everything you do.

Once you get that, you won’t be running after boys for their acceptance, nor will you be running away from them, living in the fear of falling in this area.

Here’s two simple yet extremely powerful ways, you can guard your friendships with boys and prevent it from getting into a hurtful entanglement.

1.Be Friends, but not in isolation 

That means don’t go overboard in your personal interaction with boys.

Whether at your workplace, college or even church, your conversations with boys should not be taken into a personal space. Encourage and indulge in group sharing or doing things as a group.

And, remember two is not a group!

This will keep your heart guarded and at the same time prevent any confusion on the opposite side. It is understandable when a situation arises (example joint project work, youth camp preparation) where you may have to coordinate on a personal basis, but keep your conversations strictly work-related. Also, good to keep someone accountable in the loop.

Let me give you a practical example. Chatting to discuss a picnic plan for the youth group is fine, but when the boy messages you to wear blue for the picnic as you look good in it — this could be signs of little more than what meets the eye. How about you responding – “Great, let’s share the thoughts with others, and let’s all wear blue!” This is how you drag the conversation to a group.

Even In your texting or social media conversations, be open and stay away from too many isolated one-on-one messages.

Receiving a “how are you” message or “how was your day” message – well, nothing wrong in that. But if your phone starts getting “how was your day” message often, then… well, think….

It often starts with few lines of humour, forwards regular “what’s up” and “hello there” messages and then leads to everyday messaging, sharing of one’s activities or whereabouts and then soon both sides start expecting more information as they start developing feelings for one another.

Also, I believe a boy and a girl cannot be best friends- that’s a slippery ground.


2.Don’t share your emotional touch points 

To keep the dignity of your friendship, never connect on an emotional level whether in person or via messaging. Don’t start sharing your areas of pain, disappointments and hurts as that will open doors for you to connect on a deeper level and can become dangerously complicated in the long run. Remember boys and girls interpret things and actions very differently, and that’s what the devil takes advantage of bringing emotional hurts and strife.

If you sense a boy is doing that, don’t give him your shoulder to cry. Cut such conversations and direct him to a mentor or church leader. You shouldn’t be listening to his weaknesses and addictions to porn, nor should you be sharing yours to him. Talk to your girls friends instead or someone mature in God from the same sex.

If you are the one saying, “I can’t connect with girls like I do with boys.” – May be problem is your side. Maybe you haven’t really tried being a friend. Let go of all judgments and past hurts, and keep yourself open. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the right girl friends who love Jesus.

Kim D’Souza

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