My God is Not a Dream Killer!

My God is Not a Dream Killer!

February 4, 2017

My God is Not a Dream Killer!

By Kim D’souza

    By Pastor Kim D’souza

Then he walked over to the coffin and touched it, and the bearers stopped…. Luke 7:14 It was all over. And they were carrying the coffin away. It was the coffin that carried a dead dream. It was the only dream left with the dreamer. She had conceived it in intimacy and spent years nurturing and guarding it with all that she could afford. All she had was this dream to live on. But alas, when the time came to see the dream into fruition, the dreamer encountered a rude shock. The dream got aborted before time. How could this happen? Who was to be blamed? Why did the Giver gave me the dream if He had to snatch it away? She grappled with these thoughts. But none had the answer. All she got was eyes of sympathy and words of doubt and ridicule. It was now time for the dream to be carried away from the dreamer. It was broken, it was dead. And of no use.
Some dreams are just that – dreams, never meant to realise. And they came to carry the dead dream away. But then Jesus entered the scene. He had to, for He is yet to deny a broken heart. He told the dreamer not to weep. Because weeping implies it’s all over. But hallelujiah, as long as Jesus is in the picture, it’s not all over yet.
He who has promised is faithful

And then, He touched that dead dream. It was the encounter of sorts. Death verses life. Hope versus disappointment. And all those that tried to carry the dream away from the dreamer had to halt! Woohoo, the dream that all gave up on Rose Again!


This is a Holy Spirit reminder for you who are reading this because I believe you are not on this page by chance. Is there a dream or vision that God has planted in your heart? Does it seem that it will not come to pass? Are the circumstances or the people in your life carrying the dream away from you? Do not weep. Do not let go. The God that I serve is not a dream- killer. Ask Joseph. Ask Abraham. In fact He is the one that is backing you up to see that dream into fruition. All your dream needs is an encounter with the Word of life and all those who are opposing it will have to stop in their tracks. And you will see your dream come alive!
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