Throwing Fruits at the Face of Evil 🍊

Throwing Fruits at the Face of Evil 🍊

Have you ever experienced a bad fallout where you responded to a situation negatively, and a minute later, you regretted it? Or you reacted as badly as the person who made you angry?

Well, I’ve had the experience. But this time, before I could react, God helped me.

When I was discussing a situation with my HR at my previous job, I discovered that he was lying. I was about to say something to him in my anger, but at that precise moment, God gave me a vision. He showed me a vision of throwing oranges at my HR.

I laughed and asked God what this vision was about. I want you to throw the fruit, He said. Then God led me to this scripture:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22-23


I said, “God, but this man is wicked. He needs an earful.” Then God explained further in Matthew 12:33-37

Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit. Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

That man spoke out of abundance in his heart. But God didn’t want me to react as that man; instead, he wanted me to bear fruits of love, gentleness, peace, forbearance, and kindness.

In Matthew 23:43, God says, “Therefore I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.

I also realised that there is an account to be given for every word spoken. If the words in me aren’t good, guess what, the Bible says, the tree isn’t good.

Getting to the Roots

I have seen that if the tree is in good soil, it bears good fruit. I have also seen that if the roots are deep and strong in the soil, they bear good fruit. Also, the less weeds there are, the better the tree. The bad company you keep or the negative thoughts you entertain are the weeds.

Our lives must be deeply rooted in the Bible in order for us to bear good fruit. God’s Word is where we receive correction and guidance on how we must live as children of God in this wicked world. This is what will bring true transformation in our lives.

“Already you are clean because of the Word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” John 15:3-4 ESV

If you struggle with controlling your temper or your emotions, abiding in God’s Word is the way to overcome it. Be intentional every day. God is your source, your foundation, and everything that keeps you alive.

As you read this, He is right now standing close to you. He is watching over you. May you bear fruit 30, 60 and 100 fold.

Alisha Joji

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How To Save Yourself From Deception

How To Save Yourself From Deception

Have you ever had thoughts of condemnation, giving up, hopelessness or any limiting thought and felt as though it was your own heart or that God was speaking?

Recently I heard a Prophet say this during his sermon, “The enemy plays reverse psychology; it is almost as if he is saying the truth.”

The enemy began this in the garden of Eden. Eve was so convinced by what the devil told her that she ended up eating the forbidden fruit. He used the same strategy on Jesus after His 40 days of fasting and being in the wilderness. He used verses from God’s Word to tempt Jesus.

Walking with God

The devil is a deceiver. Even now, he uses the same strategy against the children of God. He speaks to our minds in the form of thoughts that may sound either like our own voice or as though God is speaking.

This is where we need the spirit of discernment.

The strategy to save yourself from deception

As I was pondering on this, I began to pray and ask God to help me discern whose voice I’m hearing.

And as I was praying, I sensed the Lord say, “Walk with Me”.

Think of the closest person in your life. It could be your parents, sibling, friend, spouse or anyone. Imagine someone coming and pretending to be that person who is close to you. Wouldn’t you quickly discern that this is not that person?

That is what happens when you daily walk with God. The more you walk with Him, the more you know Him. The more you know Him, and the closer you get to Him, the harder it becomes for the enemy to deceive you.

So, what does it mean to walk with God?

Walking with God = Walking with the Word

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1

It means you read the Word like never before. Now you don’t read it for the sake of it or because religion tells you to, but you read it to know your God. It also means you surrender to the Word and walk by the Word to become one with the Word.

When this becomes your lifestyle, no matter how disguised the enemy comes, you will not be fooled because you know the voice of your God.

I pray over you today that you will not fall for any deception of the enemy, but will know the voice of God.

Begin your walk with God today.

Ria Jobin

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Save yourself from Breakups and Heartbreaks!

Save yourself from Breakups and Heartbreaks!

I have the habit of setting goals, as it helps me move in the right direction to achieve completion. This could be financial, education, or spiritual.

Goals are good, they help me complete the task, but in the long run I have observed that I often compromise, just so I can complete my goals. I end up finishing the task, but the outcome is compromised.

Let me give you an example: We pray, “Lord give me a job”. But when we get a job, after some time we begin grumbling and realize that we are not very happy with it.

Why is that?


I think, this happens because we set a goal that we need a job, but we didn’t set standards about the job we are looking for!

A couple of days ago, I was sharing tea time with a young unmarried girl, who is looking for a partner. She asked me “why do beautiful girls fall for the wrong guy?”. That is when the Holy Spirit reminded me of a key I learnt from my spiritual mother Pastor Kim D’souza. She once said “The me I see, is the me I’ll be”

If I see myself as moderate I will set moderate standards for myself, be it finance, relationship, job, partner etc.

Can you imagine the Daughter of a King working a job for a little pay or marrying a pauper? Would you not be quick to say “Has she forgotten who she is?” (Psalms 139:4 I am fearfully and wonderfully made)

Genesis 1:27 says So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. When I look in the mirror and see moderate or average, I am actually saying My God is moderate or average, because He has made me in His image.

Girls, know that there is immense power in setting high standards. Goals will only help us complete the task, but setting standards will make us pursue excellence. Setting high standards for yourself will also save you from 2 most important things:
Avoid getting distracted and keep you focused
Save you from heartaches of wrong friendship and relationship.
Let us learn from the life of Esther the queen; Esther 2:15 says Now when the turn of Esther, the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her for his daughter, was come to go in unto the king, she required nothing but what Hegai the king’s chamberlain, the keeper of the women, appointed. And Esther obtained favour in the sight of all them that looked upon her.

Esther had set high standards for herself, she pursued excellence and hence was able to obtain favour in the eyes of Hegai the King’s chamberlain. When the right time came, he gave her the key to King’s heart and she became the queen.

So let us stop setting moderate standards that will only attract moderate relationships. We got to be intentional of who we see ourselves as, always remember The me I see, is the me I’ll be”.

Sheryl Gadre

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How Porn Damaged Me(+GIVEAWAY)🎁

How Porn Damaged Me(+GIVEAWAY)🎁

Did you check out the exclusive interview we did with author and international speaker Jessica Harris on our Youtube Channel? Oh yes she started off as a good church–going Christian girl just like you and I, but she got addicted to porn, and then go hear her story on how God set her free!!!



Enter our GLOBAL GIVEAWAY and Hurray! Three of you get a chance to get access to Jessica’s latest book QUENCHED (ebook).

Overcoming a struggle with pornography and shame is not about changing your behavior but about allowing Jesus to transform your identity. Within the pages of this book, you will follow the footsteps of two women who did just that.

To enter:

  • Watch the interview on and Subscribe to our channel.
  • Follow @soar.girls and @beggarsdaughter on Instagram
  • Share the below two images on your IG story, tag three girlfriends and whatsapp the screenshot of it on +91 74004 08860 with your name, country and email ID

Last date of the contest is April 13, 2023. Four winners will be selected on April 18 and they will get access to Jessica’s latest book QUENCHED . Winners will be notified by email and whatsapp! The decision of SG Team will be final and binding

All the best!!


Team SoarGirls

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It’s Time To Possess Your Promise Land!

It’s Time To Possess Your Promise Land!

Hey Girls! I believe as daughters of God, it is our birthright to see and hear God. More than us, it is God our father who wants to reveal himself to His children. And as it is written that “His sheep hears His Voice”. (John 10:3). He who has ears to hear, let him hear .(Matt 13:9).

Recently, some of us gathered to pray, and as we began to pray and seek God, I saw a beautiful vision which I wish to share with you. I pray that as this vision encouraged me to pursue His promises so will it do to you.

promise land

Blessed are the eyes that See!

I saw a pleasant field with ripe fruits and ready for harvest. Looking closely, I could also see a fence around the field, like a barricade to protect it from trespassers. Immediately I understood, this is my promise land that God is calling me into.

But seeing the fencing around the field, I kept saying “ Lord the fence”, ”Lord the fence” but God said, ”Come closer, Come closer”.

I kept walking closer and closer to the field and after a while realized I’m walking inside the pleasant field. Wow! This just blew me off. Just by walking towards my promise land the fence that once defended me from crossing over, now no longer existed or rather say it had to bow down and allow me enter my promise land.

God’s Word, His promises is so majestic and powerful that no fence, no boundary can stop you and me from receiving from it.

This vision was so edifying as I got to know how can I enter my promise land just walking closer by faith towards it. The Land has already been given to me, now I need to go and possess it.

Even as you read this, say to yourself: This year no fear, no intimidation, no scheme of the enemy can deter me from walking close to my promise land. And as you believe, so shall it be for you.

Moses gave Law and not the Land

This also reminded me of Moses in Exodus 13, when God asked him to send men to explore the land of Canaan- he sent them on a mission to explore and do a SWOT analysis and come. God never asked for a report from the Israelites on how good or bad the Land of Canaan. He just asked to explore and find a way to go inside your promise Land. Rest what happened is history. Please read Exodus 13 onwards to know more. Every word and incident recorded in the Bible is for us to learn and sometimes unlearn as well.

May you go and conquer the land (promise) that God is showing you this season. Walk closer and closer towards it every day by speaking faith. Let no fear of man and giants stop you from this commitment to go possess your promise. The giants you see today you will never see again. (Paraphrased Exo 13:17).

Do write back to us and let us know how this blog encouraged you. Have a conquering year ahead!




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When God Gives You A Big Dream! 💭

When God Gives You A Big Dream! 💭

Our God is BIGGGG oh! That means whatever He does can only be bigger than our imagination. So what do you do when this Big God gives you a Big Dream? Here’s what you do…

1. Renew your mind (Rom12:2) and Believe Him(Gen15:6)

Just believe that the dream giver is also the one who helps fulfill the dream. He is too faithful to fail or disappoint you. Just as Abram believed and it was credited to his righteousness (Gen15:6). We need to believe and keep renewing our mind daily with His Word. Believe that God who gave you the dream will bring it to fulfillment.

2.  Be faithful in the little that God has given you now.(Luke 16:10)

Keep multiplying the gifts and talents that God has blessed you with. The best way to do it is to use it to build the kingdom of God and serve joyfully. Be faithful in the little for God to entrust you with much more!

Big God

3. Trust God (not man) to provide the resources ( Matt 6:33)

Trust God who gave you the big dream. His dreams and promises are always accompanied by vision and provisions. All we need is to Seek Him first and these( provisions) will be added unto you. Only learn to trust Him at all times. Lean on Him and not on man!

4.  Spend more time with the dream giver. (Act 4:13)

Peter and John, astonished the people of Israel with their boldness and preached the Gospel. Though they had no formal education nor schooling to do so. Spending time with Jesus will give you outrageous courage and boldness to do things that you will not do otherwise just as Peter and John did. May the people around you know whose your company! The more you spend time with Jesus the more you get equipped to operate and become like Him .

5.  Count the cost. Be disciplined.( 1 Corn 9:25)

Everything comes with a cost. Following Jesus and His dreams comes with a cost. Be willing to pay any cost to receive the crown that the Big God has kept for you. Discipline yourself to win the race and not just merely run it. Then your dream is very close to come to fruition. Be of good courage, and run to win this race.

By now we hope that you have determined to follow these 5 steps to see your Big dreams being fulfilled. If so, let us pray along with you “Big Daddy, Thank you for giving me the Big dream. I know you are walking alongside me strengthening and encouraging me in this walk of faith. This year I will see the Big dream unfolding before my very eyes in Jesus Name.”

If you need specific prayer, please feel free to write back to us at [email protected]. We are more than happy to be your prayer partner.


Team Soar Girls

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