Girls, Your Garden is Your Responsibility! (+ 3 Tips)

Girls, Your Garden is Your Responsibility! (+ 3 Tips)

We live in a time where outward appearance is of great importance. There are YouTube channels, websites, and books on how you can improve the way you look or the way your surroundings look. Aesthetics have become an integral part of human life. Everything must look good.

I’m not against this. I believe we as children of God must reflect Kingdom standards in the way we carry ourselves and our things.

But this is what God has been teaching me: While it is good you take care of the outside which is seen by everyone, it is more important to take care of the inside, which even when no man sees, God sees.


But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

This is the part of you that God is more interested in; the real you.

Your mind is a garden.

Yes, your mind is like a garden. And how good this garden looks depends on how well you have been taking care of it and carrying it. Here’s the truth: Your garden is your responsibility.

God placed man and woman in the garden of Eden. The garden was given to them to take care of. When a snake came to speak deception to Eve, God didn’t come to rescue. It was in their hands to destroy the snake. Yet when they allowed the snake to remain and speak, it brought about their downfall.

If there are snakes in your garden, it is your responsibility to kill them. It is not the responsibility of your pastor or your leaders, but it is yours.

What are these snakes we often find in our garden? It is the lies of the devil that we have believed. It is the junk and filth of the world we have fed our minds with that now dictate our perception of life. In essence, it is anything that doesn’t align with the truth of God’s Word.

One way to check the condition of your garden is by checking your thought life. What does our thought life look like? Is it in order or have you accumulated it with the junk and filth of this world and the lies of the devil?

Here are some practical ways you can take care of your garden:

1. Guard your senses.

We are living in a time where there are lies, bad news, filth, and junk all around us. If we are open to everything, we are choosing to be the world’s junkyard. Guard what you allow your eyes to see and your ears to hear.

2. Build and nourish your soul with God’s Word.

The Word of God is the Truth. It is the supreme Word that can nullify every lie of the enemy. When you intentionally indulge yourself in studying and meditating on the Word, you are building your life on the foundation of Truth which cannot be shaken by any lie or inferior reality. Where everyone else fails, you will be found standing. That is the power of God’s Word.

3 .Stay connected to a Spirit-led church

This will ensure that you are guided in the right direction and keep you rooted in the Truth.

I pray this for you today: Lord, let this child of Yours fall in love with the Truth and build her life on the Truth, and live a life that is pleasing in Your eyes.

Ria Jobin


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Oops, I Caught Myself Idol Worshiping!

Oops, I Caught Myself Idol Worshiping!

Technology in our lives is something we can’t escape. It is part of our daily lives and almost every activity we do.

We are so focused on our phones, that we don’t feel the need for a conversation with people around us. When I was in college 2 decades ago, I remember meeting people and making friends while commuting in trains and buses.

But now I travel with the same people every day in a comfortable AC car for work, but everyone has their heads inside their phones. We don’t even know each others’ names…

Every era has an idol, ours in technology

Idol Worshipping

Luke 16:13 says, No one can serve two masters.

We may not be idol worshiping literally speaking, but we have been idolising technology in our lives.

When we idolise things, we do it without even realising it. We love God, yes we do…
But if technology takes most of the time in our day, we are idolising it.

Here is an example to identify if you are idolising technology: Are spending 30 mins in Bible study but 2 hours on technology?

Unknowingly we may also be idolising some influencer on IG or YouTube.

Seeing somebody or hearing somebody more than we hear or spend time with God is also a form of idolising. It is ok to be inspired by people but if we are replacing our time with God with something else, that is the key to identify if we are idol worshiping.

 So what are you idolising?

Video games, hobbies, friends?

My generation, can I blow your mind?

Our God is the biggest tech giant. Read Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

God’s technology is way ahead of the Big Tech or Big Four. Through the highest form of technology that is still unknown to humans, He created the Heavens and the Earth!

Hey, and not just the heavens and earth, God made you in His own image and likeness. Genesis 1:26.

God is for technology, but He wants us to be in the image of Jesus, not the technology.

Technology is man-made, but you are made by God. We should be in AWE of our creator, and idolise Him.

So what do we do to get back to idolising God?

Here are 4 steps that help me in every season of my life:

1.Step back and observe your daily activities.
2.Identify and delete the apps that are taking most of your time.
3.Ask help from the Holy Spirit to replace your idol/s
4.Pray and make God your true and one and only idol.

If you are struggling and need help or prayers, write to us, and we will connect you to some amazing warriors that have overcome the fight of idolising technology.

Sheryl Gadre


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New Arrival! Limited Edition Table Top Calendars for 2023

New Arrival! Limited Edition Table Top Calendars for 2023

At Soar Girls, our mission is to lift, lead and launch daughters of God. As a part of this mission, from time to time we want to release exclusive merchandise i.e., prayer journals, table top calendars, sweatshirts, and much more that will help you in living the life of more than a conqueror.

New Launch!

Even as we are gearing up for the new year, Soar Girls Merch Team is excited to launch Limited Edition Table Top Calendars for 2023. Every page of this calendar is crafted to remind you of your identity in Christ carrying powerful imagery and quotes. This unique calendar will also serve as a perfect gift for your girlfriends for this time of the year.

SG Calender

These are now available for pre-order (only in India)

Here are the prices:


Rs. 300 per copy ( + delivery charges ).

Bulk discounts

5 calendars @ Rs 200 each ( + delivery charges)
10 calendars @ Rs 150 each ( + delivery charges)

Last day to pre-book: December 5, 2022. Post this day, prices will go up to Rs 350 per copy and no bulk offers will be available.

So order for you, and your girlfriends too!!!

How to pre-book?

Whatsapp us on +7400408860 to pre-book your copy/copies. Hurry offer open till stocks last.

Oops, I am not from India

Don’t worry, we have you covered too. You can get the digital copy of this calendar (High Resolution PDF) for a price of USD 3 only. The PDF will be emailed to you once you book your order. And the best part is you can print as many copies of these table top calendars as you want!

The way you order is the same – connect to us on our Whatsapp No: 7400408860 and we will guide you further.

Happy Soaring!

Soar Girls Merch Team


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Who You are: A Special Video Message For You!

Who You are: A Special Video Message For You!

Girl! Do you know who you are? you are the most stunning among the creations. Let no one tell you otherwise, not even you yourself. Don’t believe what the world says about you. Believe what the Word of God says about you.

And this is what the Word says:

“You are beautiful”
“You are my masterpiece”
“You are unique”
“You are powerful”


All you have to do is just believe what the Word says about you and declare it over you. Will you not do that, my dear friend?

Here’s a video by author and speaker Jon Jergenson that will remind you of your identity in Christ. May it remind you of who you are and whose you are!




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10 Powerful Truths About Imagination!

10 Powerful Truths About Imagination!

One of the most powerful ways in which you can bring the promises that God deposits in the inside of you to reality is through the gift of imagination.

So, what is imagination?

For a child of God, imagination is not wishful thinking or fantasy. But it is to see with your heart what you cannot see with your eyes. And, when we use this gift to imprint our hearts with the thoughts of God, we can literally unlock heaven on earth.


Here are 10 powerful truths about imagination that I have learnt.

#1 Imagination is a tool by which we can  cooperate with God to participate in His divine nature and fulfill our God given purpose.

#2 God made things with His imagination! The  Bible says, when God saw everything, he said it was good. i.e this is exactly how I imagined it to be! (Genesis 1:31)

#3 Imagination unlocks impossibilities. When we imagine something, and we become one with it, impossible now becomes possible. (Genesis 11:6)

#4 Our heart is the birthplace of imagination. We have the power to create!

#5 When your image is right within you, your imagination will be right. So start with the right image! To correct the image you need to look at God’s mirror (Word of God).

#6 The ‘me’ you see is the ‘me’ you will be! (Proverbs 23:7) The way you picture yourself, the way you imagine yourself is exactly the way you will turn out to be.

#7 Your imagination is fueled by what you intake. So be careful about what your eyes and ears are feeding on!!

#8 Your imagination is so powerful that if you are not careful, it can drive you to overrule the voice of God. (Jeremiah 11:8)

#9 The secret to a God-like imagination is walking with God. If the image of the God you serve is small, you will see yourself small.

#10 We have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16) When God says this, He essentially means that we have access to His imagination!

Are you carrying a wrong image about yourself?

Hey, daughter of God, as you’re reading this post, if you are carrying an image about yourself that is small can we encourage you to partner with the Holy Spirit and get that image corrected? Can you go to the Word of God and cast down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Can you take a moment to write down the way God sees you and brood over it, imagine it, speak it and conceive it! Because the image that you carry about yourself is exactly how you will turn out to be.

The full sermon video is now available on our YouTube channel! If you would like to understand these 10th truths in detail we encourage you to NOT MISS this video.


Youtube Video




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Looking for Change? Stop!

Looking for Change? Stop!

Hey girls, haven’t we sat in classrooms and pews and heard teachings and messages about how change can bring a radical difference in our lives? And like me, you might also have thought that this was your neighbor and not you.

But there’s something that I heard a man of God say recently that caught my attention and reminded me something about my life – “Anytime you blame something external for your problems, you cannot make an internal change”.


Why I remained stagnant

 I could recollect those days where I blamed everyone and God for all my shortcomings and failures in life. Everyone was the reason except me. Let me elaborate – There was a phase in my life where I blamed others and God for my failures. After my graduation, when I could not find a placement, I blamed my parents for not educating me enough. When I could not crack an interview, I blamed God for being partial towards me. I reached a point where I believed that God is not for me and is against me. This delayed my progress and made me stagnant in my spiritual as well as corporate life.

But God had mercy on me. And in His mercy He sent to me my spiritual mentor Author Kim D’Souza with a promise from Gen 28:15 in early 2018. She read it out loud to me,

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.

As I heard her saying this, I heard God.

I realised that all God needed from Jacob was his surrender. And, all that God needs from us too is surrender.

If something needs to change, it’s me!

From that day something started to change within me. My eyes opened up to see that if something needs to change its “Me”.

Let’s rewind to the time when the first man Adam fell into sin blamed the woman God made for him. And, the woman blamed the serpent instead (Gen 3).

You see! That’s ingrained in our natural human DNA to find a scapegoat for our failures.

Having done that Adam and Eve lost the company of their creator and was expelled for the Garden of Eden. This continued with their offspring as well. (Gen 4) Cain got angry and blamed Abel for his sacrifice not being accepted by God. In his anger he killed Abel and ran away from God. If Cain only had to look into his intent behind offering God a crippled sacrifice, he would have found the reason for God’s displeasure. Instead he blamed an external factor (his brother Abel) and believed him to be the reason for God’s displeasure.




Thank God for the generation that we live in, that we have men and women sent by God to interrupt the plans of the enemy in your life. Forever grateful to my spiritual mentor Author Kim D’Souza who came in at the right time to show me that God is for me and not against me. From that point on I started to look deep into areas of my life where I kept blaming God for my failures. I changed my confession about God and started to declare His goodness in my life. And, really things started to change in my life thereafter.

When my perspective changed, things began to change

The very fact that I am loved and accepted by God gave me so much confidence that I started going boldly to face interviews and even got a job that I’m content and happy with currently. When my perspective changed, things began to change for good in my life. Surely as the Man of God said and I quote him again “Anytime you blame something external for your problems, you cannot make an internal change”.

As you read this article and are looking for things to change around you. Can I urge you “Stop the futile pursuit of changing the world around you”. Instead, be the change and ask God for wisdom and ideas to bring that very change in your life. Remember as you surrender, it may not be easy, but His grace is always going to be sufficient.

God holds us accountable to renew our minds, and not wait for others to renew theirs! And then we will be able to see the goodness of God and how He was there for us all along. As Romans 12:2 says, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God’’.

Changing with the renewal of our mind will bring the best out of us!

This is a tested and proved truth in my life. May this truth be yours too in Jesus Name!

If you were blessed reading this article, would you take a moment to share it with your friends and family and bless them too?



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