Hello Girls,

How has your daily time with God been?

Struggling to maintain consistency or does it feel like an empty ritual? Hmm… but we are sure deep down you have this desire to connect with your Creator like never before.

Well, we can help you in being intentional in your pursuit of God.

Prayer Journal


A Customised Prayer Journal for You


Presenting our new launch “My 5 Day Prayer Journal” to help you enrich and transform your daily time with God with Bible verse illustrations by Author Kim D’Souza.

Journaling your insights during your time with God is a practice that has been proven beneficial to many. Here are three immediate benefits to journaling:

  1. It brings clarity to your thoughts.
  2. It builds your faith as you see God speaking to you consistently through His word.
  3. It will eventually become a recorded milestone of your spiritual life.

 So, go ahead and download the FREE My 5 Day Prayer Journal by Soar Girls and write back to us at [email protected] how it changed your time with God.

Sheryl Gadre

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