Recently we received the below prayer from a girl. We thought of sharing it as a blogpost for the benefit of other girls who may have similar struggle. Hope this helps!

My prayer is to conquer my addiction for reading romantic novels and watching romantic movies. Because I find myself spending more time and attention with it, I spend less in doing house chores, my devotional time with God, and I had forgotten doing my studies. – Beth Collins (name changed for privacy)

Sharing below our response to her situation.

May I say you are not the only one who is going through this struggle. We have all faced this but here is the good news! You are born to overcome! Also it’s the warriors of God that are tempted and not just ordinary people.

Addiction to Romantic Books

Reading your struggle, took me back to a few years ago when I too was struggling with this addiction. I could finish a non-Christian book in a couple of days, but found it an absolute struggle to read Christian books.

I soon realized that it is not only taking my time away from God, but also influencing my thoughts and decision making and obviously these books swayed my conversations. I tried everything under the sun but God.

I knew I had to get rid of this addiction, to understand why check out this blog post we recently shared Why I Gave Up On Non-Christian Media. I think this post will be convincing enough to make you stop watching.

What you give your ears and eyes to is what you will become. At times you will even behave or think the way a character in the book/movie behaves.

My Sweet Victory

I still clearly remember a few years ago one Sunday my Pastor was teaching about being set free from addictions. Until that day, I always bragged that I had everything under control and can get rid of any habit any time.

My Pastor’s words “Surrender your addiction to God” echoed inside my heart the entire service.

We always associate addiction in the negative or sin category, hence taking sin to God was a concept I was not sure God could help me with. God being holy, righteous and pure, could I really surrender my addiction to Him, and would He indeed love me in this addiction.

Is this what you are thinking as well?

Brace yourself, what I am going to share with you next is going to change you today.

Sista, God loves you… with or without addictions. He loves you without any condition and He is the only one you need to surrender your addictions to. He is the only one that can set you free. Sitting in the pew that Sunday, the love of God the father filled me… As I humbled myself and surrendered my addictions I knew chains were breaking and I was set free.

Dearest friend, as you read this I believe a God encounter awaits you. It’s time… humble yourself and surrender.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

As I look back, I realize what I was seeking in those books I found in Jesus. He fills me with so much love daily that there is no space and time for those books. I truly believe that as you humble and surrender to Jesus with an open heart, His love will be your daily portion to be set free from addiction.

Remember even Jesus was tempted by Satan. As He has overcome, you have the power and grace to overcome this.


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