Hey Girls, You are not ordinary! You are set apart, You are a woman of character, led by the Spirit of God. You are unique, valued, and accepted.

These are not just positive statements to make you feel good, but these are God’s thoughts over you. And the Bible says, Let God be true and every man a liar (Rom 3:4)

Well, you see, it’s very important that you know who you are and whose you are. You belong to Jesus and you are the seed of God! Therefore it matters what God says about you more than what your peers, your parents, siblings or others say.

And guess what? God speaks good things over you, He sings for joy over you and He calls you His ‘son’.

In order that you are constantly reminded of truths from the Word of God, our team has created beautiful (both sides) Printable Bookmarks just for you!!

Printable Bookmarks

So, grab hold of these free bookmarks and make sure that every time you come across them, you declare out loud these truths and promises over your life.

Don’t forget to share these with your friends too!

Team Soar Girls


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