Hey Girls! I believe as daughters of God, it is our birthright to see and hear God. More than us, it is God our father who wants to reveal himself to His children. And as it is written that “His sheep hears His Voice”. (John 10:3). He who has ears to hear, let him hear .(Matt 13:9).

Recently, some of us gathered to pray, and as we began to pray and seek God, I saw a beautiful vision which I wish to share with you. I pray that as this vision encouraged me to pursue His promises so will it do to you.

promise land

Blessed are the eyes that See!

I saw a pleasant field with ripe fruits and ready for harvest. Looking closely, I could also see a fence around the field, like a barricade to protect it from trespassers. Immediately I understood, this is my promise land that God is calling me into.

But seeing the fencing around the field, I kept saying “ Lord the fence”, ”Lord the fence” but God said, ”Come closer, Come closer”.

I kept walking closer and closer to the field and after a while realized I’m walking inside the pleasant field. Wow! This just blew me off. Just by walking towards my promise land the fence that once defended me from crossing over, now no longer existed or rather say it had to bow down and allow me enter my promise land.

God’s Word, His promises is so majestic and powerful that no fence, no boundary can stop you and me from receiving from it.

This vision was so edifying as I got to know how can I enter my promise land i.e.by just walking closer by faith towards it. The Land has already been given to me, now I need to go and possess it.

Even as you read this, say to yourself: This year no fear, no intimidation, no scheme of the enemy can deter me from walking close to my promise land. And as you believe, so shall it be for you.

Moses gave Law and not the Land

This also reminded me of Moses in Exodus 13, when God asked him to send men to explore the land of Canaan- he sent them on a mission to explore and do a SWOT analysis and come. God never asked for a report from the Israelites on how good or bad the Land of Canaan. He just asked to explore and find a way to go inside your promise Land. Rest what happened is history. Please read Exodus 13 onwards to know more. Every word and incident recorded in the Bible is for us to learn and sometimes unlearn as well.

May you go and conquer the land (promise) that God is showing you this season. Walk closer and closer towards it every day by speaking faith. Let no fear of man and giants stop you from this commitment to go possess your promise. The giants you see today you will never see again. (Paraphrased Exo 13:17).

Do write back to us and let us know how this blog encouraged you. Have a conquering year ahead!




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