With God, all things are possible! Matthew 19:26. In this post we want to feature an amazing testimony of faith and healing from our friend Damian Fernandes. Based out of Mumbai, Damian is a worshipper at heart. He is self employed and stays with his wife Vijaya, a homemaker, and a teacher of the Word, and they are blessed with three beautiful daughters. 

We were a happy family of four – my wife, Vijaya, my daughters, Esther and Ruth and myself. It was in the month of July 2014 that we got to know that we were expecting our third baby.


Damian, his wife Vijaya and Hope Miracle Fernandes.

Initially we were taken by surprise but we thanked God because we know that the Word of God says that children are a blessing from the Lord.

At the first sonography, the doctor noticed that the NL value (Nuchal translucency is a collection of fluid under the skin at the back of your baby’s neck) of the baby was high, and asked us to inform our gynaecologist immediately. The next day when we went to the gynac, he saw through the report and told us that the child would be born with the Down’s Syndrome. He suggested that we terminate the pregnancy and warned us about the consequences. But my wife who is a real woman of faith said, “Doctor, we will go ahead with the pregnancy”. At that point that seemed like the voice of God. There was no further discussion after that.

The first few months were not very easy because Vijaya was just not able to eat anything. She even brought up the water she drank. It seemed like the enemy was trying hard. We called the Andrew Wommack prayer line for prayer. The prayer representative prayed with us and encouraged us to press on.

The Holy Spirit led us on an amazing journey from that point. We started having bread and wine everyday and confessed the work of the cross over our lives and our baby. There were times when the enemy would bring negative thoughts to our mind. Sometimes, I gave in to those thoughts but the Holy Spirit used to quicken me and tell me to rebuke those thoughts.

We hadn’t told anyone else about what was happening. My wife would listen to various teachings on healing for three to four hours a day and everyday when I returned from work, she used to share with me whatever she heard. The testimonies revealed that nothing was too difficult for God.

The doctor’s visit was another stronghold. Every time we went to see him, he kept stating the facts. We knew that the truth was that God had already healed our baby. We were then asked to do a test called karyotyping ( To help identify genetic problems as the cause of a disorder or disease). We told him we didn’t want to do it and were trusting God with our baby’s health. We were confident that we were going to see a miracle and there was absolute peace in our hearts.

At the beginning of the ninth month, our church members organised for a surprise baby shower for Vijaya. What was so amazing about that evening was that every single person was speaking life over our baby according to God’s Word.  And these people knew nothing about our situation, and yet all spoke what God wanted the child to be.

The next day was the doctor’s visit. After examining Vijaya, he told us that the baby’s weight was very low and we would need to do another sonography. He also said that we might have to go in for an early delivery. That night Vijaya was unable to sleep so she woke me up at 3:00 am. She felt something unusual happening and after some time her water bag broke.

I rushed her to the hospital and she was taken immediately to the labour room. Within 10 minutes Vijaya had delivered our third princess! She weighed only 1.2kg at birth and so had to be rushed to the NICU. After some time the doctor came and told us that she was very weak and there were too many complications. He said she might survive at the most for a week. When I looked at my baby, she looked so weak and lifeless. The doctor looked at me and said, “I had already told you both what was going to happen”. I looked at him and said that we were trusting God. I’m sure he must have thought that were acting like fools. But God chooses the foolish things of this world to shame the wise. Although in the natural we didn’t see our baby healed, we were by faith thanking God already for her healing.

Our baby was in the hospital for almost 28 days and every single day God showed us His faithfulness. She gradually started putting on weight. While she was in the hospital, they told us that it was mandatory for them to carry out the Karyotyping test now, which we didn’t do earlier. They took her blood sample and told us that the report would come after 15 days. We knew in our hearts that no matter what the report says, we were trusting God. And when we received the report, everything was NORMAL! No Down’s syndrome! Hallelujah! We serve an amazing God! We named our third princess Hope Miracle Fernandes.

If you are reading this testimony and if you have received a medical report that is negative, we would like to encourage you to hold on to His unfailing Word. Remember Jesus paid the price for EVERY sickness on the cross. There is nothing too difficult for Him!

Do share this testimony with your family/friends or let us know how it blessed you here on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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