How has your 2022 been? What are you looking forward to in the new year 2023?

Every year there were some declarations I had made and would trust God to make it happen that year. But every time I asked God for it to happen that year, I would hear God say “Prepare “. And I would respond “But Lord you said that last year too and last to last year also”. And for three years I waited and I had to prepare and I realized later why!

It’s because He is the God of Suddenly. When God blesses you and promotes you or gives you something, it will happen suddenly and you need that grace to keep that blessing otherwise you will ruin it yourself. He needs you to get the old you and your old experience out so you can embrace the new and learn what God has in store for you.


Wait and Prepare

The disciples had to wait 10 days to receive the strength and power of the Holy Spirit. Why did the Lord want them to pray and wait?!

David was a shepherd boy and with the sheep he had, God was preparing him to be a king to rule Israel.

Prophet Samuel served God in the temple, with what he heard and obeyed the priest, God was preparing Him to hear Him and obey God Himself and become one of the greatest prophets.

Waiting time can be exhausting until you realise that God is been preparing you for a launch.

God will prepare you with the Small You do

If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities (Luke 16:10)

Questions to ask yourself are in what areas I must be faithful so God can hold me accountable for more. In what areas I must work on, or teach myself so I can be prepared?

What are the weaknesses that I must overcome to be ready?

When The Promise Takes Time

Sometimes we think only if we are prepared and perfect then only God will do what He promised us. That is not true. Because God is a Good God and He sends rain to the evil and the good (Mat 5:45). The choice is either to be ready and prepared for it before or learn through hard knocks after the blessing has been given.

If the promise takes time remember even if you are not 100% ready or 100% perfect but God is faithful to do what He Promised. And guess what even though you weren’t ready for it and when your promise has taken place, He will teach you through the process only if you let Him. It may not be perfect and it may take time too but trust God to direct your ways.

Dear sister , no one likes to wait, but remember when God has opened the door no one can shut it. (Rev 3:7). Also, you are not alone in your preparation. The Bible says, “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

More Resources On Waiting:

  1. To those girls waiting for a particular boy, here’s a blog post that would help you : A boy who has kept me waiting
  2.  Video on The Right Way To Wait by Author Kim. She explains so well on how to wait and the secrets to make your waiting purposeful.
  3.  Are you waiting on wrong things? Here is a video you need to know : Your Waiting Is All Wrong!
  4.   God Speed Is Coming To You! Here is a video that will help you understand the keys and secrets for your breakthroughs!

Alisha Joji

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