When you are in love, it’s beautiful!

Love fills your heart with unspeakable joy and stretches you beyond yourself. It makes you selfless and shameless, compelling you to do things which you wouldn’t have even dreamed of doing. There are no rules in love; in fact they are meant to be broken in love.

Now, do you really love Jesus?

Something about three lovers in the Bible struck me as I was reading about them. Elkanah, Solomon and Jacob mentioned in the Old Testament were in love and here’s what love made them do:



In the book of Samuel we read about a man called Elkanah who loved his first wife Hannah more than his second wife Peninnah because Peninnah had children and Hannah had none. As was the custom, every year he would visit the temple of the Lord to worship. He would give portions of meat for sacrifice to Peninnah and her children, but 1 Samuel 1:5 says Elkanah gave a double portion to Hannah because he loved her.

When you are in love, you want to give the greater and the best part of your life to the one you love. This includes the best of your time, the best of your thoughts, the best of your dreams, the best of your desires and the best of everything.

Do you really love Jesus? Are you giving Him more than what you are giving to others?

2.    Solomon: LOVE HOLDS FAST
Solomon, the wisest man on the planet married 700 pagan women of royal birth and had 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3). This was in complete disobedience to God as He had commanded the Israelites not to intermarry with foreign women because they would surely turn their hearts after their Gods. (1 Kings11:2). But the Bible says Solomon held fast to them in love (1 Kings 11:2).

Solomon was blatantly wrong here, but the point that I want to draw your attention to is this: In love you hold fast or cling to the object of your love. You refuse to let go of it regardless of what anyone has to say.

What are you holding fast to? Do you really love Jesus?

The book of Genesis speaks about a man called Jacob who was in love with Rachel. Jacob agrees to the condition laid down by Rachel’s father Laban to work for him for seven years in return for her!

Now seven years is a very long period. Imagine putting yourself in Jacob’s shoes. Am sure we would have revolted or would have asked Laban to rethink on the duration. But because Jacob was so much in love with Rachel, he didn’t bat an eyelid to agree to the condition. And I love what the Bible says in Genesis 29: 20: Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her. Seven years seemed only a few days to Jacob!!

When you are in love, what you do out of it is no longer a burden or commitment, but it becomes a pleasure. You don’t have to be forced or pushed to do something, for love makes you do it anyways. Does reading the Word of God comes to us naturally or we have to struggle to make time? Do we have to be pushed to maintain our prayer time by others?
Do you really love Jesus?

Further on, this is what two lovers do:
•    They try and spend the maximum time with each other
•    They don’t get tired of speaking about each other
•    They keep adoring each other
•    They share their deepest secrets with each other
•    Their heart misses a beat when they are in company of each other

 Now can I ask the question again?  Do you really love Jesus?

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